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Topics - skisos

Pages: [1]
Support / diagonal tiles?
« on: August 14, 2014, 09:33:38 am »
Hi everybody!

I'm working on a pseudo Top-Down RPG using tk2d Tilemap. I really like the tool but I would need a "diagonal tile", as seen in "Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past" or here: http://knightgirl.robotknight.com/unity-builds/v2.1a.html  and I don't know how I can get it.

I don't want to use colliders to keep the player inside the "walkable" area, I just use the tilemap as the "logic" behind my sprite background (telling the player things like "you can walk here", "you cannot pass through here", etc). Currently, I can move my player around the "walkable" tiles and get stuck on the "wall" tiles, but if I want to make a "diagonal road" I have to make them with tiles and the player can't walk through them very well as he gets stuck:

[ ] : tile
 /| : diagonal tile
 |/ : diagonal tile

What I have:

         [ ] [ ]
    [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]

What I'm looking for:

      /| [ ] [ ] |/
  /| [ ] [ ] |/
 [ ] [ ] |/

How could I achieve that? Any ideas about how to approach to this? Should/Could I edit the mesh of a specific tile?


Support / A very large background... how would you approach to it?
« on: March 14, 2014, 10:58:32 am »

I'm developing a 2D top-down game. TK2D fits very well for my purposes, it manages sprites & memory much better than Unity standalone but I'm facing some issues with large backgrounds.

My game uses backgrounds I have been designing in Photoshop to get an organic feeling (not tiled) and using them as sprites. It works ok for small portions of the world but I'm afraid it can become a problem when I make larger levels.

I'm using atlases and collections to optimize it, one for 'props' (trees and stuff player surround) but if I check some forums, tile maps are being recommended. As I want each map to be unique and organic, I don’t see the tile maps a solution because I'd need to create a sprite sheet of almost every “level” (I don't use tiles reapeatily but almost everyone is different). Could you give me some insights about how to approach to this?

- Should I split backgrounds and create another collection with them?
- Should I use a static sprite batcher once I get all the background set up?
- Is it better if I dice the sprites inside a collection? (I don't understand very well this, Is it better to dice all my collections always?)

I've bee reading a lot but I don't know how to face this as I'm afraid to continue programming and have to change everything in the future by memory problems. Some people recommend to split large backgrounds in chunks and just load the ones which are visible but I don't know how to approach to that solution, could you hep me with it? I'd really appreciate it.


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