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Messages - kujo

Pages: [1]
Support / paste text into text input
« on: October 13, 2015, 03:50:38 pm »

I was wondering if its possible to paste text into a text input box. I've tried finding any documentation about it, but can't find anything. Is this possible?




I've just opened my project up in Unity 4.5.5f1 on Windows 8.1 x64 and all of my assets were pink. Having looked into the log, I was given the warning from the header. When I run the same project in 4.6b20, everything works fine.

I have the latest version of 2D Toolkit imported. This is something that has only started happening recently.

Support / Re: Windows Phone 8 Keyboard Issue
« on: February 05, 2014, 10:16:01 am »
thank you - works great!

Support / Re: Windows Phone 8 Keyboard Issue
« on: February 05, 2014, 09:18:03 am »

I'm having the same problem on my game.

Can that bold part be removed for all platforms, or does it need to be a special case for Windows Phone?


Thanks very much - I've dropped Support an email


I've been trying to get this implemented, to little success. But I've just been looking over the UI Demos, specifically at the ScrollableArea demo and made it generate 1000 items on start up and it is massively faster than what I'm doing. I noticed that in the demo, it doesn't use a tk2dUILayoutContainerSizer, which I am doing. Could this have something to do with why its so slow?

I'm basically iterating through a list of objects I receive from the web as follow:

Code: [Select]
foreach (var item in fbFriends)
var layout = Instantiate (InactiveFriend) as tk2dUILayout;
ScreenLayout.AddLayout (layout, tk2dUILayoutItem.FixedSizeLayoutItem ());
layout.gameObject.SetActive (true);
SetListObject (layout.transform, item, false);

Support / UIScrollableArea and Layouts
« on: January 22, 2014, 12:13:02 pm »

We are using a UIScrollableArea prefab in our menu and dynamically add items to the list at run time. We are getting an issue with the UILayoutContainerSizer leaving gaps when items are being added. When we have a closer look, we can see this:

The green image there is a sliced sprite that is standing in for our normally invisible padding.

As you can see, the sprite is being positioned outside of its UILayout bounds, which then throws off our UI and leaves gaps between our other items.

Is there something we are missing with how to use this? When we are in editor mode, everything lays out correctly, but when we go into play mode, things get moved around and causes issue


I'm currently using the UIScrollableArea prefab to present all my Facebook friends pulled from out server. For the most part in our app, this works perfectly, but with the Facebook stuff, it can take a heck of a long time to present all of this data. I am using a game object with a tk2dUILayout component added to lay out correctly.

I'm wondering what the best way to deal with this is. Is there something I can do to the current implementation to improve performance? I wondered about developing something similar to the UITableView from iPhone so that not all the records are displayed at any one time? Or is there something else I should be using to handle this many child items?



Support / Full width sprite scaling for mobile
« on: December 06, 2013, 10:41:31 am »
Hi guys,

Working on some UI, and the design I have has a navigation bar (like iPhone) across the top of the screen. This works fine on iPhone, but when this goes onto iPad, the sprite doesn't fit on screen (its too short), and the buttons I put on there don't move. I have a 2D Toolkit camera in the scene, and I'm using an Upper Anchor to position the navbar at the top. I have a game object with a UILayout component on it and then the sprite itself. The anchors of UILayout are set to fill.

Whats the best way to handle this? its ok if the navigation bar sprite is stretched, but not the buttons.


Support / Re: Shift UI for text input (Mobile)
« on: November 12, 2013, 10:02:10 am »
Nice one - thanks very much

Support / Re: Shift UI for text input (Mobile)
« on: November 12, 2013, 08:42:23 am »
Thats cool - Is there an event I can listen to when the text box gets or when the keyboard will appear?

Support / Shift UI for text input (Mobile)
« on: November 11, 2013, 05:53:33 pm »

I've had a search around, but can't find anything on this subject.

I've set up a UI in which text input is required. Everything works great except I need to "shift" the UI up so that the user can see what they're typing in the text box, as the keyboard covers that part of the screen.

Anyone any advice on how to do this? I know how to do it on Android and iOS, but don't really know where to start with it in Unity.

Thanks in advanced!

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