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Messages - Adam2Marsh

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Rotating a Tilemap
« on: January 13, 2014, 07:18:45 pm »

Thanks for the response.

I found the issue why the tile map wasn't updating after I had rotated the tilemap object and it's because I wasn't rebuilding it. (Added TileMap.Build() which worked) What I'm trying to do is rotate the our level (which is a tile map) so the player is walking on the ceiling but in the same direction at runtime.

I did try to make the character walk on the ceiling but the character controller I'm using has its own in built gravity which was proving to be a pain, so thought it'd be easier just to flip the level.

So it's a bad idea to mess with the tilemap while the game is playing? I've got it rotating currently (with a small level) and not seen an issue yet.... Except that the rotation isn't working as expected, the tilemap moves up rather than rotating.

Support / Rotating a Tilemap
« on: January 12, 2014, 02:14:30 pm »
Afternoon All,

Are you able to flip a tilemap 180 in runtime?
I can flip easily while editing but once the game is running no matter what I change in the editor it won't change the rotation.

I did have a search but couldn't find any answers to what I'm trying to do.

Thanks In Advance :) and sorry if this is a silly question...

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