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Messages - idpokute

Pages: [1]
Support / Question about performace of animated sprite gameobject.
« on: May 07, 2014, 08:04:08 pm »
I have a question the performance of animated sprite game object.

I have some animation collections. One of the animation collection, calls RyuAniCollection, has around 50 clips, each clip has around 8 sprites. In the case, if I make 100 game objects which is animated sprite using RyuAniCollection, does the each game object have RyuAniCollection data? Or just have pointer(reference)?

If the game object has real data, it should be heavier, than having pointer.

Support / how can I get pixles per meter on the script?
« on: April 19, 2014, 07:17:00 pm »
how can I get pixles per meter on the script?
I thought it's in the tk2dcam, but i couldn't find it.

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 2.2 final
« on: October 08, 2013, 03:47:40 pm »
Just wanna say "Thank you so much x 1000 " You guys rock!

Support / Up-ward slope and hop
« on: October 06, 2013, 01:04:58 pm »
I am using tilemap and character controller. (Thanks for advice. I changed rigidbody to character controller.)

When I press arrow key,  my character walks up-ward slope well. (natural walking on downhill is also problem. )
but when I pop the arrow key on the slope, my character suddenly jump once.

when I change runspeed, jumping height is also changed. I don't know why.
can anybody help me?

   CharacterController controller;
   float runSpeed      = 20.0f;         // run speed
   float   maxRunSpeed    = 20.0f;   
   float gravity      = 15.0f;
   float   jumpForce   = 10.0f;
   Vector3 vVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
   void Start () {
      controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
   // Update is called once per frame
   void Update () {
   // Movement of Left / Right direction of Character
   int MoveHorizontal() {
      float ctrlX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");                        // Get Input
      float ctrlY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");      
      bool ctrlJump = Input.GetButtonDown("Jump");
      vVelocity.x = ctrlX * runSpeed;   
      vVelocity.y = controller.velocity.y - gravity * Time.deltaTime;
      if( ctrlJump == true ) {
         vVelocity.y = jumpForce - gravity * Time.deltaTime;
      controller.Move(vVelocity * Time.deltaTime );      
      return 0;

Support / Is is possible to add Colliders for fighting game?
« on: September 13, 2013, 03:45:40 pm »
Can I add any colliders ?

I am making an side scroll action game.

For example, when you make a fighting game, you need attack collider, defense collider, moving collider, and etc...
could you give any advice for this case as multiple colliders ?

I added a trimmed box collider for moving in the sprite editor, then i couldn't find 'add collider' button.

Thank you.

Pages: [1]