2D Toolkit Forum

2D Toolkit => Support => Topic started by: coshea on June 04, 2018, 02:56:56 pm

Title: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: coshea on June 04, 2018, 02:56:56 pm
Upgraded from 2017 > 2018 using TK2D

This is the error (editor console, not playback)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
tk2dSpriteAttachPoint.HandleSpriteChanged (.tk2dBaseSprite spr) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Sprites/tk2dSpriteAttachPoint.cs:77)
tk2dSpriteAttachPoint.Awake () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Sprites/tk2dSpriteAttachPoint.cs:35)


Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on June 18, 2018, 10:06:06 pm
I will investigate this.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on July 09, 2018, 09:56:20 pm
Hi there,

Apologies for the late reply, I have not seen this issue at all.
Can you try to create a repro case for this?
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: ultdev on July 12, 2018, 09:29:02 pm
There is another issue with 2018.2. Specifically, trying to set up textures to be sprite sheets in the sprite collection doesn't work. I have to manually set them to be compatible in the unity inspector.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Kirb on December 14, 2018, 09:39:17 pm

Was this resolved/confirmed? Our project is still on 2018.1 and want to update; but we deal with so many spritesheets that the idea of having to manually set up sprites is a bit frightening.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: giacomopc on December 17, 2018, 05:40:21 pm
I updated my project to 2018.3 and using the Commit button on the animation editor doesn't work. It seems to be a change that affects any prefab you try to edit using 2D Toolkit's windows.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project on Unity 2018.3.0
2. Create a Sprite Animation asset on the Project tab.
3. Open the Prefab
4. Click the Open Editor... button on the created SpriteAnimation
5. Create a new clip, then click "Commit", and deselect the prefab, then select it again.
6. Close the Popup Window, and open it again. You'll see that it didn't save your changes.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: csumsky3 on December 17, 2018, 10:04:09 pm

Getting issues with 2018.3 also. We just updated, and the main issue is that you can no longer commit new sprites to Sprite Collections. You just get the following error:

Code: [Select]
ArgumentException: Invalid path
System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (System.String path) (at <ac823e2bb42b41bda67924a45a0173c3>:0)
tk2dEditor.SpriteCollectionBuilder.LinkBuilder.Build (tk2dSpriteCollection data) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionLinkBuilder.cs:39)

I'll post the full console to the end of this message. Any solutions here? Pretty major since we effectively can't add new sprites to our project as of 2018.3.

As a smaller issue, there are also a ton of new warnings that print to console every time the project compiles. Not breaking anything (maybe...), but makes it hard to use the console very effectively.

Thanks for any help! Hoping we don't have to revert Unity versions :/

Here's the full console log for the main sprite collection error:

Code: [Select]
ArgumentException: Invalid path
System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (System.String path) (at <ac823e2bb42b41bda67924a45a0173c3>:0)
tk2dEditor.SpriteCollectionBuilder.LinkBuilder.Build (tk2dSpriteCollection data) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionLinkBuilder.cs:39)
tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.Rebuild (tk2dSpriteCollection gen) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.cs:1454)
tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.Commit () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/SpriteCollectionEditor/tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.cs:446)
tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.DrawToolbar () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/SpriteCollectionEditor/tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.cs:436)
tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.OnGUI () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/SpriteCollectionEditor/tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.cs:907)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <ac823e2bb42b41bda67924a45a0173c3>:0)
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <ac823e2bb42b41bda67924a45a0173c3>:0)
System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <ac823e2bb42b41bda67924a45a0173c3>:0)
UnityEditor.HostView.Invoke (System.String methodName, System.Object obj) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/HostView.cs:342)
UnityEditor.HostView.Invoke (System.String methodName) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/HostView.cs:336)
UnityEditor.HostView.InvokeOnGUI (UnityEngine.Rect onGUIPosition, UnityEngine.Rect viewRect) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/HostView.cs:310)
UnityEditor.DockArea.DrawView (UnityEngine.Rect viewRect, UnityEngine.Rect dockAreaRect, System.Boolean customBorder, System.Boolean floatingWindow, System.Boolean isBottomTab) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/GUI/DockArea.cs:363)
UnityEditor.DockArea.OldOnGUI () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/GUI/DockArea.cs:322)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.IMGUIContainer.DoOnGUI (UnityEngine.Event evt, UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 worldTransform, UnityEngine.Rect clippingRect, System.Boolean isComputingLayout) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/IMGUIContainer.cs:266)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.IMGUIContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent (UnityEngine.Event e, UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 worldTransform, UnityEngine.Rect clippingRect) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/IMGUIContainer.cs:438)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.IMGUIContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent (UnityEngine.Event e) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/IMGUIContainer.cs:421)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.IMGUIContainer.HandleEvent (UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.EventBase evt) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/IMGUIContainer.cs:401)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.EventDispatcher.ProcessEvent (UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.EventBase evt, UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.IPanel panel) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/EventDispatcher.cs:511)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.EventDispatcher.Dispatch (UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.EventBase evt, UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.IPanel panel, UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.DispatchMode dispatchMode) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/EventDispatcher.cs:307)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.BaseVisualElementPanel.SendEvent (UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.EventBase e, UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.DispatchMode dispatchMode) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/Panel.cs:176)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.UIElementsUtility.DoDispatch (UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.BaseVisualElementPanel panel) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/UIElementsUtility.cs:245)
UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.UIElementsUtility.ProcessEvent (System.Int32 instanceID, System.IntPtr nativeEventPtr) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElements/UIElementsUtility.cs:68)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility.ProcessEvent (System.Int32 instanceID, System.IntPtr
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: denysus on December 21, 2018, 03:27:51 am
Yes, it seems that new Nested Prefab system broken the saving ability. Unable to commit collections anymore (2018.3)
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Ninja on January 01, 2019, 04:38:32 am
Same issues as csumsky3, just upgraded to Unity 2018.3. Any progress on a solution?
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 06, 2019, 05:02:24 pm
Still investigating a solution. The new prefab system has busted it.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 08, 2019, 11:37:02 pm
This is not looking great - its changed quite substantially and I'm running out of hacks that I can think of to work around this. Will keep plodding at this.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Kirb on January 10, 2019, 02:11:51 am
Thanks for the update; it's lucky that our team hadn't updated the project to 2018.3 yet, although we'll need to update to 2019.1+ soon. Hope you're able to find a solution.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 10, 2019, 10:45:34 pm
I think I have a solution to this. It will need a manual project upgrade after switching to 2018, but it should be a one off, and it should automatically upgrade everything. There may be caveats with assetbundles but otherwise should work as a one way upgrade step. That way I can support what is there, but deprecate it and provide a migration for users.

Also it would be unrealistic to support any version prior to 2018 in this update (quite possibly, but still unsure) as the changes will be so far reaching.

Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: csumsky3 on January 10, 2019, 11:11:16 pm
By "manual project upgrade" do you mean manually importing some new version of tk2d that you'd pass along?

But yea in general this solution sounds reasonable to me. We're pretty desperate for a solution and can't go backwards in unity versions so I'm pretty open to any ideas that work! Haha. Thanks for the work on this so far.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 11, 2019, 12:01:08 am
By manual project upgrade I mean
1. Updating tk2d
2. Starting Unity and running a menu entry to upgrade (it will still work, but you wont be able to edit your collections until you upgrade)
3. Modify your code (potentially?) if you use some parts of the system (eg. if you use tk2dSpriteCollectionData directly, the class ref needs to be changed to tk2dSpriteCollectionDataV2).

I assume its less likely that people direclty access these data classes... the functions are EXACTLY the same, and none of the runtime classes should be affected, eg. tk2dSprite and friends are all exaclty the same.

I have V2 working, just need to sort the migration next, but will need volunteers to help test (BACKUP YOUR PROJECT PLEASE!)
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: csumsky3 on January 11, 2019, 12:06:13 am
Oh perfect, that sounds great. Consider me a volunteer!
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Zeptolab on January 14, 2019, 08:14:37 am
Hi, guys! Any news?
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Arnold on January 14, 2019, 01:04:15 pm
I gladly help with any testing needed -> hello@tinytouchtales.com
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 14, 2019, 09:49:24 pm
Cheers for the offer for help guys. Will let you know when the update is ready - still needs quite a bit of work as it requires so many changes.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: LifeZero on January 15, 2019, 09:26:31 am
Hi there.

We had to upgrade to 2018.3 before launch (this January) but now we're not able to commit changes in any collection (just wanted to rescale them). We tried the solution given in this thread (reimporting 2DT), but to no avail. Is there any other workaround for this? Or should we do something else aside from just reimporting the package from the Asset Store?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 21, 2019, 10:07:38 pm
Yet another dead end :( This is proving way more messy than I thought it would be.
Back to the drawing board...

Maybe all is not lost. If anyone wants to try this patch please let me know. It works, and will get you through last minute fixes for your game. Dont know how stable it will be overall though - 2d toolkit grew a LOT over the years and there are tons of obscure features that I don't use any more.

Basically what works is -
you can now commit sprite collections and animations. It doesn't refresh in the scene automatically but if you reload the scene it fixes itself up.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: csumsky3 on January 21, 2019, 10:58:14 pm
It doesn't refresh in the scene automatically but if you reload the scene it fixes itself up.

So this is the only thing not working in the fix you have? I think we can probably deal with that... I'd be game to be a guinea pig for you if you're ready for one.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 21, 2019, 10:59:34 pm
It doesn't refresh in the scene automatically but if you reload the scene it fixes itself up.

So this is the only thing not working in the fix you have? I think we can probably deal with that... I'd be game to be a guinea pig for you if you're ready for one.

Honestly, not sure - I only managed to get even this working. Clutching at straws now - the way unity has changed this has caused serious issues. If you fancy trying this out - drop me an email on support.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: csumsky3 on January 21, 2019, 11:04:48 pm
Hmm ok, I'll give it a little more time in that case. We're still pretty early in the project, so if it isn't a very safe upgrade, it's probably best if we hold off for now. But if you do hit a point where you're happy with something and need a tester, I'll be waiting on standby to help!
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 21, 2019, 11:10:36 pm
Oops! edited your post instead of replying to it...

If you're early on in a project I would not recommend updating to 2018.3 any time soon tbh. My other solution (which is paused because it is so complicated) involves converting all assets in a one off process. Thats what I will end up doing I think? Really depends on how reliable it ends up being.

Only reason I would recommend trying this current fix is if you have updated to 2018.3, don't have a backup, and/or are otherwise stuck.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: csumsky3 on January 21, 2019, 11:37:58 pm
Well we're sorta stuck with 2018.3 at this point, kinda dove headfirst into their new nested prefabs and prefab variant features haha (among a few other cool things). Ironic that it's those very features that are causing your pain! We are currently laying down a lot of foundation work for the game, so bringing in new assets and anims has actually slowed down a lot, so we can stand to wait a bit for you to get through it. If we really hit a wall.... well then we'll just figure something out at that time :P

Thanks for all the hard work on this so far!
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 22, 2019, 10:10:45 pm
Obligatory daily update.
Found a bug in Unity 2018.3. Reported to Unity, hopefully there is an easy workaround, as if this works then we have a fix (fingers crossed!)
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Micha on January 25, 2019, 09:50:28 am
Quote from: unikronsoftware
Basically what works is -
you can now commit sprite collections and animations. It doesn't refresh in the scene automatically but if you reload the scene it fixes itself up.

Hey :)

Could you give me access to this version that supports commiting atlas changes in Unity 2018.3?
We upgraded Unity will release an update to our game on Steam next week, so it would be great to have this fix. (I fixed some things myself so that I'm able to save the atlas, but I would be more confident if the fix is done by you)
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: mangoocean on January 29, 2019, 09:31:47 pm
Obligatory daily update.
Found a bug in Unity 2018.3. Reported to Unity, hopefully there is an easy workaround, as if this works then we have a fix (fingers crossed!)

Hi - been 8 days since an update. Hoping you can respond asap so we can rearrange our schedules again in line with a fix as our project is quickly approaching alpha.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on January 29, 2019, 10:40:21 pm
I've had a response back from Unity, and its a bug that hasn't yet been fixed (even in 2019)

I have been trying various workarounds to try and get a different solution - but as it stands, the rebuild works correctly but in scene references get broken due to the above. Anyone desperate for a fix - I would recommend importing our temp fix, but it still causes major issues (i.e. you need to reload the scene to see changes) as of right now.

Edit: I should add they are not broken, but they are broken in the viewport and in the inspector until the scene is reloaded, or a script recompile is triggered... Net result = not a great result, but its not broken.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: mangoocean on January 30, 2019, 09:54:42 am
I've had a response back from Unity, and its a bug that hasn't yet been fixed (even in 2019)
I would recommend importing our temp fix, but it still causes major issues (i.e. you need to reload the scene to see changes) as of right now.

Edit: I should add they are not broken, but they are broken in the viewport and in the inspector until the scene is reloaded, or a script recompile is triggered... Net result = not a great result, but its not broken.

Where do I get the temp fix from? Sorry, can't seem to see it in the thread. This will fix being able to create new atlases and commit new sprites to atlases? 

Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on February 03, 2019, 08:05:09 pm
Yes and yes.

I haven't released it officially as there are known issues - once you rebuild the atls you'll need to reload the scene to see changes, etc. Drop me an email to support and I will get you a copy. I have to stress that you should keep a backup copy of your project before updating...
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: mangoocean on February 04, 2019, 06:11:40 am
OK, thanks will email you now.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Zeptolab on February 12, 2019, 05:00:24 pm
Hi! Any news? https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/prefabs-references-are-lost-when-modifying-prefab (Fixed in Unity 2018.3) Are there any other blockers for updating the plugin?
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Kirb on February 13, 2019, 01:23:53 am
Judging by the comments in that tracker, it doesn't seem to be entirely fixed. (Unless the issue that was blocking 2DTK is fixed?) Although it appears like somebody has posted some sort of workaround.

What a horrifying project-breaking bug, lol. It really needs to be a priority for unity, I feel like it'd break a lot more than just 2DTK on our project.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Zeptolab on February 13, 2019, 10:51:00 am
this issues (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/prefabs-references-are-lost-when-modifying-prefab?page=1#comments ) fixed on 2018.3.6f1 and this version not released yet. (last version on unity Hub 2018.3.5f1)
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on February 14, 2019, 07:15:02 pm
I'm going to investigate this  on the weekend, and will confirm either way. I just had an email from UNity support saying its been fixed. Fingers crossed it sorts this issue out.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Kostazz on February 16, 2019, 08:20:47 am
Version 2018.3.6 is released now
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: csumsky3 on February 18, 2019, 03:45:39 pm
Any luck here? We're starting to be up against the wall with this :/
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: habitoti on February 18, 2019, 04:01:35 pm
I was surprised I hadn't had too severe issues overall with tk2d after lately upgrading to Unity 2018. Until I had to add a another graphic to a sprite collection  :(

Will there be any new tk2d version at all that'll work with 2018 and the new prefab system? If I would have to throw out tk2d completely this would be a severe setback for my app -- if it would be doable at all. My app is so heavily invested in tk2d that I can hardly imagine to migrate to Unity native...
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: zblack on February 21, 2019, 12:08:11 am
So has anyone been able to test if 2018.3.6 fixed the issue? Do we also need a new build of TK2D?
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: mutter21 on February 21, 2019, 07:20:05 am
I have updated to version 3.6 of Unity 2018. But I still have problems.

ArgumentException: Invalid path
System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (System.String path) (at <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0)
tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.GetOrCreateDataPath (tk2dSpriteCollection gen) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.cs:524)
tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.Rebuild (tk2dSpriteCollection gen) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.cs:604)
tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.Commit () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/SpriteCollectionEditor/tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.cs:446)
tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.DrawToolbar () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/SpriteCollectionEditor/tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.cs:436)
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: hyuns0623 on February 22, 2019, 01:51:40 pm
Same problem I didn't know 2D toolkit is not working at Unity2018 3.6... already gone long time never project back again........ Please I need 2D Toolkit new version  :'( for Unity2018 3.6
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: csumsky3 on February 24, 2019, 06:36:59 pm
@unikronsoftware any word? it's been awhile since the last update. our team is starting to really worry at this point... if it isn't resolved soon we might have to bail on our tk2d pipeline altogether :/
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: eduilnero on February 26, 2019, 08:45:58 am
Hi guys, I contacted Unikron with some changes to fix the path issue some days ago but so far I have no official response. If you want to try something on your own here is what I did. Unity Experimental brings Prefab Stage which is some context when you access Prefab Edit Mode. I hope it helps.

Code: [Select]
public static string GetPathFromSpriteCollectionInPrefabEditMode(tk2dSpriteCollection gen)
        if (gen == null) return null;

        string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(gen);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
            PrefabStage prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage(gen.gameObject);
            if (prefabStage != null)
                assetPath = prefabStage.prefabAssetPath;
        return assetPath;
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Kostazz on February 28, 2019, 07:38:39 am
Unicronsoftware any comment for this problem plz? Our dev work stoped now
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on March 01, 2019, 09:32:39 pm
Unity 2018.3.6 has fixed the main issue we were having. I'm working through all the rest of the permutations to make sure its all working properly and I expect to release a new version over the weekend.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on March 04, 2019, 10:13:12 pm
First beta release for 2018.3. Some known issues, but finally on the way to a proper release. Shame it took unity so long to finally fix the issue :(
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Kirb on March 05, 2019, 11:00:34 am
Thanks; it's a big relief to know that the fix is working!
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: hyuns0623 on March 07, 2019, 04:40:22 am
Thank you very much! ;D
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: cizcuz on March 27, 2019, 10:35:58 am
Can't create new tk2dFont since switching to Unity 2018.3. Commit button in tk2dFont just gives me error
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: mangoocean on April 06, 2019, 05:10:12 am
Same as above - can't create new sheet with the beta "fix".
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: unikronsoftware on April 09, 2019, 06:36:44 pm
Font commit is fixed in latest build
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: RCBricker on April 20, 2019, 01:07:50 pm
The Beta Update fixed all the problems on my end. Thanks UNIKRON.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: Arnold on April 24, 2019, 03:03:16 pm
Reporting in on the latest 2019 build with Beta3, everything works so far on my end. Great work!


If i hit Save in a scene i get this error, but this hasn't stopped the game from running.

Code: [Select]
InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException (System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNextRare () (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
tk2dIndex.GetSpriteCollectionIndex () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/tk2dIndex.cs:76)
tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.RebuildOutOfDate (System.String[] changedPaths) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.cs:147)
tk2dSpriteCollectionTextureWatcher.OnPostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] importedAssets, System.String[] deletedAssets, System.String[] movedAssets, System.String[] movedFromAssetPaths) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionTextureWatcher.cs:37)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessingInternal.InvokeMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Object[] args) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/AssetPostprocessor.cs:633)
UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessingInternal.PostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] importedAssets, System.String[] addedAssets, System.String[] deletedAssets, System.String[] movedAssets, System.String[] movedFromPathAssets) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/AssetPostprocessor.cs:144)
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: mangoocean on April 28, 2019, 11:16:46 pm
Font commit is fixed in latest build

Have you seen my other post? Font is somehow clashing with Unity's IAP system. We've had to swap out t2toolkit text meshes for unity meshes whereever we're grabbing IAP prices from the store to display in-game.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: habitoti on May 15, 2019, 12:13:58 pm
Reporting in on the latest 2019 build with Beta3, everything works so far on my end. Great work!


If i hit Save in a scene i get this error, but this hasn't stopped the game from running.

Code: [Select]
InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException (System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNextRare () (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
tk2dIndex.GetSpriteCollectionIndex () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/tk2dIndex.cs:76)
tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.RebuildOutOfDate (System.String[] changedPaths) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.cs:147)
tk2dSpriteCollectionTextureWatcher.OnPostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] importedAssets, System.String[] deletedAssets, System.String[] movedAssets, System.String[] movedFromAssetPaths) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionTextureWatcher.cs:37)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0)
UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessingInternal.InvokeMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Object[] args) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/AssetPostprocessor.cs:633)
UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessingInternal.PostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] importedAssets, System.String[] addedAssets, System.String[] deletedAssets, System.String[] movedAssets, System.String[] movedFromPathAssets) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/AssetPostprocessor.cs:144)

I get the same issue when commiting a sprite collection now. Not sure whether this is also a cause of the fact that I cannot change platform support w/o messing up the consuming sprite objects. I wanted to strip lowres support now (as there is only a very minor fraction still needing it), however when I remove a platform from settings and re-commit, I am getting the above error and the sprites referring to that collection are no longer set to a valid value.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: mangoocean on May 24, 2019, 06:33:38 am
Just had an issue where I added a new sprite to a current spritesheet. When I did, all other sprites on that sheet referenced to by sprites in the scene lost their reference to their respective sprite on the sheet. Had to go through THE WHOLE GAME connecting sprites back up.
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: birdkingz on July 20, 2019, 08:57:15 am
I found some issues with SpriteCollectionData.
I noticed when I view the prefab of SpriteCollectionData, it seems to always show the previous data instead.
Initially, I added SpriteA, then COMMIT. When I check SpriteCollectionData, it doesn't show anything about Sprite A.
After that I added SpriteB, then COMMIT. Now when I check SpriteCollectionData, it only shows SpriteA but not SpriteB.

I'm not really sure what's going on here, this bug just seems super weird.

Also it seems like ANCHOR is not working on newly added duplicated sprites (duplicated because both are using different materials). Although I have set it to LOWER CENTER but when in-game it still reverts back to CENTER anchor.

Please investigate.
Currently running on Unity 2018 and TK2D
Title: Re: Issues with Unity 2018
Post by: FZGames on November 21, 2019, 04:43:11 pm
I have found a workaround for when it doesn't always save collections properly (when it updates the atlas but not the prefab, so you lose your sprites after a while and it loses all the references).

I've noticed that when you press 'commit', it updates the atlas only, but then if you press it AGAIN, the prefab gets updated and you're usually safe. So every time you update a sprite collection, hit the 'commit' button TWICE.

The way I make sure it worked every time is I have a git client running. Before I make any changes I commit everything, then when I save my updated sprite collection, I look in the git client in the list of changes, see if it shows the .prefab file as well as the atlas file. If not, click commit again until it shows up.