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Messages - DanTsukasa

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Unable to update?
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:06:40 am »
I did indeed, I changed it after reading this, didn't work at first, rebuilt my index and then it worked.
Thanks for that, there aren't any updates anyway, which I already knew, but I figured it'd become an issue later on.

Support / Re: Pixel Perfect Move
« on: May 05, 2013, 01:00:54 am »
Thats a good point, I've fixed it in my own sheet already, thought perhaps someone else might have use for it too, especially with a huge spritesheet.

Thanks for the reply, you're pretty on the ball with this forum, and its much appreciated.

Support / Re: Unable to update?
« on: May 05, 2013, 12:59:53 am »
Sorry, I explained that terribly It was around 4am and I was half asleep. Explained below.

2d toolkit, Check for update, click refresh and I get this:

"unable to check for updates"

This error appears in the same dialogue where I'd usually tick a new version for example.

Support / Pixel Perfect Move
« on: May 03, 2013, 01:23:27 pm »

I've noticed that some of my sprite animations don't line up perfectly, ie: frame 1 is a little further left than frame 2 which is noticeable in the animation, I can and will go ahead and fix this in my spritesheet shortly, but I was thinking pehaps it might be a useful feature in the Sprite Collection or in the Sprite Animation Editor, to be able to set an offset for that specific frame.

I know it seems a little lazy to request a feature for something I can simply fix in my own work, and I will fix it myself, but it might be worth it in the future, as its dramatically easier to line up sprites in Unity itself due to seeing each sprite individually, wheras on a sprite sheet, if you've a lot of sprites, it will result in a lot of back and forth editing..

I'm also a little unsure if moving my sprite left by say 2 pixels, would actually have an effect on my atlas in unity itself, or would unity simply update that when it rebuilds the atlas and Sprite Collection data?

Support / Unable to update?
« on: May 03, 2013, 01:08:22 pm »
Hey Guys
Just wondering if anyone else is unable to update, I'm using 1.92 Final (no patch), and whilst I know there's no new update, its starting to bug me that when I click update I simply get an error connecting to the server.

Has anyone else experienced the same thing? I've considered re downloading 2dtk, but I don't want to just yet, if its an error a lot of people are getting.

I started everything again from scratch and it works fine again, I was copying the prefab about, considering the sizes and names are the same I assumed I could just change the spritesheet itself and it'd sort of update, but I hadn't considered the refferences.

So thats fixed now, its great.

The names can't even cause an issue if in for example, each of my 8 different sprites, all use a 10 frame 'run' animation, All named Run_001?

An interesting addition for the next 2dtk update is, if for example I have an animation relying on say my RUN frames 1-10, if I then delete the run frames, or rename them (I assume it must happen with rename too), then the animation clip can't be used, as soon as I click it it basically locks up the entire animation window, I can select another perfectly fine, but selecting the 'broken' clip breaks it, I can't even select it to click delete as it simply becomes one giant panel. This is horribly explained, but if it doesn't make sense I can take some snapshots.

Hey guys

I've an odd issue with my games atlas files getting confused.
In my game my main character has 7 different forms, for each form I've externally created a sprite sheet containing the different animations, all these sheets are in different subdirectories within the same project in a folder I've named 'Sprites'.

I open up my scene create a new sprite collection, import a sprite sheet and then set the x and y values to the correct numbers (256x256) and then rename things accordingly.
I then go to the Animation editor and pull together my sprite animations under different clips, clip 1 is run, clip 2 is jump, for example.

Everything here runs perfectly, the sprites are collected into an Atlus named 'atlus0 (possibly with a space before the 0)

I then do the same thing for another form, everything appears to work fine, but when I create a new animation and go to create a clip, it doesn't want to load the correct sheet, infact it appears that my second atlus overwrites my first.

What I mean here is that I can click the correct sprite collection from the animation editor, but it loads the wrong sprites.

I've tried naming it atlus0 and atlus1 but it doesn't appear to change anything, they just keep overwriting eachother each time


The folders are all named differently, the collection and animations are all named differently (though they contain the same number of frames and same sized sprites).

If anyone has any advice it would be hugely appreciated, I'm tearing my hair out trying to work out the best COA here.



Support / Small Suggestion for sprite collection
« on: February 14, 2013, 06:36:16 pm »
Hi Guys

I've mentioned this to Unikron on twitter before a little while ago so this post is more to see if anyone else is interested in this fix. (I want to say quick fix, but I don't know how quick it would be.

As you can see in my image below I've split a spritesheet (2048x2048) into sprites and am now renaming things slowly to create neatly organised batches of frames.

However 2dtk automatically groups things by the first number, so you often get a list like this:

Code: [Select]

The same for numbers begining with 2,3,4,5,6,7 and so on.

I figured a good quick fix for this would be to add padding to them, possibly requesting how much padding is required, though I shouldn't imagine anyone would need more than 3 frame padding.

So then a file list would look something like this
Code: [Select]

Then once we hit the 10's the sequence would still be listed in order

Code: [Select]

Another small but slightly more complicated to put in, would be a group rename, so say for example I selected frames 001-0011, these are my Run frames, once I select them I rename them all in batch so they're all called Run (frame no.)

The idea is that it would then renumber all the renamed frames from 1-whatever, but keeping the current frame padding but if its say 040 originally, it now gets renamed to 001, thus all your sequences start at 1, of course it could not renumber them at all and it'd still be easy enough to find in the animation collection either way.

Does anyone else think this is a good idea at all?

If my explanation needs a little more explaining I'd be happy to provide some more images and detail things out a little more.

Support / Re: How to play animation in reverse?
« on: February 14, 2013, 06:13:22 pm »
In the current version of 2dtk, if you go to the animation editor, you can simply select your animation and click 'reverse' and it will reverse the frames for you.
However it only reverses the frame order, it doesn't 'flip' the individual frames themselves.

I am secretly hoping that an addition to the animation editor in the next update will be the ability to duplicate and flip an animation for use, as opposed to doing it in code.

Support / Re: Documentation aimed at JavaScript
« on: February 03, 2013, 01:20:31 pm »
You can flip your sprites by negating the horizontal scale, eg.
sprite.scale = Vector3(-1, 1, 1);

you can also call the flip function which toggles flipping.

You don't need 2 directions for all sprites, but it certainly does look better if you have different sprites moving left and right...

Ah I see. Thanks for the speedy response, I'll give that a shot now and see what I get up.

Many games I've seen seem to use identical left and right animations for running, jumping, flying and whatever else, I may however make a few specific animations for certain angles.

The only other issue I have now is that my jump animation is slightly too long for the jump height, I can't really increase the height as its about perfect, but the animation still plays when hitting the floor, whilst I could speed up the FPS for the animation, it wouldn't suit so well. I'm completely unsure how best to go about that.

Support / Documentation aimed at JavaScript
« on: February 02, 2013, 09:04:59 pm »
This is my first post, I've been using 2dtk for a week or 2 now, plodding through tutorials around the net and things on here, however most unity tutorials I've come across seem to be using JavaScript wheras the documentation and script refference on here uses c#, I appreciate that I'm still learning code, but the constant back and forth isn't helping me or other make quick progress.

As another side note, all the 2D tutorials use twice the number of sprites for every direction, surely its less memory intensive to simply flip the sprite based on direction, if so, how best to go about this?

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