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Topics - Maserat

Pages: [1]
Support / Disappearing Animations
« on: April 24, 2013, 04:28:53 pm »
I am having a very scary issue right now. I am using version 1.92 and am a week away from release. As I dive into tweaking my animations every now and again I will receive an index out of range error and a disappearing sprite on the screen. Once I track down the sprite animation, I find that the entire animation has been deleted. Somehow and without warning the prefab's animation data gets completely wiped. The worst part is that sometimes it happens to animations that I know I have not touched in months. Luckily, I can replace the animations by overwriting the prefab with a backup of the prefab.

EDIT: On the note of backups, is there any chance of implementing a text based animation? Having hard copied text files make me feel a lot safer than guessing if a prefab is empty or not.

Support / Unload Resources and AssetBundles
« on: April 17, 2013, 01:31:36 am »
If I create a prefab of animated sprites and textures, and instantiate it from Instantiate( Resource.Load( prefab ) ). How do I remove all the dependencies ie textures from memory? How do I do the same thing with assetbundle after I instantiate( www.assetbundle.mainAsset ) as GameObject?

I currently have:

tk2dResource.Destroy( lepsrite );
Destroy( lesprite.gameObject );
lesprite = null;

When I profile an iOS device, I seem to be leaving some textures in memory. What am I doing wrong?


Support / Play Sprites in sync
« on: February 20, 2013, 05:06:54 am »
I am having an issue where I have two sprites played at the same time, but when I slow it down with the editor in step, I notice that the animations are off by one frame. It is seamless on the computer, but becomes obvious when pushed to an iOS device. Is there a way to play the animations at exactly the same time.

The animations are exactly the same in the editor when it comes to frame numbers, fps, etc. The only thing different is are the event frames.
I have simple code like.
Code: [Select]
void Start(){ sprite1.Play( "Run" ); sprite2.Play( "Run" ); }But instead of both updating on the same draw, I get frames where sprite1 is at frame 20 while sprite2 is at 21. It seems to always happen when changing clips during an event.

Thanks in advanced. This is literally my last hurtle with sprites in my game.

Support / Texture Size
« on: February 18, 2013, 04:12:25 am »
Currently I have a lot of sprites and for some reason almost everyone at least is doubles in file size when compared to the individual images.  Is there a decent way to lower the file size and keep relatively good resolution? When I try changing setting under the texture editor, the sprites go straight from awesome and huge, to pixellated and small.

I am also developing for iOS.

Thanks in advance.

Support / How to tk2dSystem
« on: December 28, 2012, 04:56:13 pm »
How do you use the tk2dSystem to load collections? I want to load and unload sprite collections so that I can free up texture memory when I am not using particular sprites. How would I go about doing this? Also, when I destroy a sprite collection does it also release the texture/material from memory?

Support / Sprite and Memory Management
« on: November 17, 2012, 03:30:29 pm »
Currently I have several sprite collections say walk, jump, fire, and dance linked to a animation collection called playeranimations. If the character is walking and I call Play( "jump" ) and then Play( "dance" ), what is still in memory? Is the previous spritesheet still in memory or do I have to release it manually? Are some of the spritesheets preloaded for speed? Just trying to figure out what is going on in the background.

Support / Alpha not Working on iOS
« on: October 29, 2012, 12:07:24 am »
I have three animated sprites sitting on top of each other for different animations - all with the same transform coordinates. In the simulator, when I toggle the alpha using new Color, the different sprites yield a proper animation. However when I play the animations on my iPod one of the three sprites never turns invisible. Should I be using something else besides new Color and change the alpha? Is this a 2dtoolkit error or an error in my code?

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