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Messages - Bona

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 1.75 final
« on: June 27, 2012, 07:44:19 am »
Oh yes please, have pm u my address.
Your support is great!  Thank you ;D

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 1.75 final
« on: June 26, 2012, 02:10:31 pm »
Thank you for the update, I noticed that when I use PlayFromFrame( xx ) to jump and play within Update( ), frame 0 of the clip always appear for a split second, but when I use the same function in FixedUpdate ( ) it won't happen.

Should I always use PlayFromFrame within FixedUpdate( ) or there's a way to avoid frame 0 flash out before each jump in Update( )?

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 1.75 beta 3
« on: June 18, 2012, 07:54:02 am »
Thanks for the reply, I've found a way to deal with my situation by passing an endFrame var to the delegate, going to test in Beta4 now.
Really appreciate your support. :D

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 1.75 beta 3
« on: June 15, 2012, 11:34:48 am »
That's great! I'll PM my email to you asap.

I got another problem, for example I have a Trigger set at frame 100 to pause the animation with Delegate, when use PlayFromFrame( 90 ),  the animation is paused at frame 100 as expected but the other functions in the Delegate are not executed.

I asked because I need them to be executed for using this approach :

PlayFromFrame(xxx), Pause() in Delegate, SetFrame(yyy), Resume(), Pause() in Delegate...

instead of :

PlayFromFrame(xxx), Stop() in Delegate, PlayFromFrame(yyy), Stop() in Delegate...

I wonder which plays smoother?
If they're similar I would like to go with the later one because the codes are simpler and easier to jump between clips.

Please advise, thank you.
Sorry for the long post. ;D

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 1.75 beta 3
« on: June 15, 2012, 08:42:14 am »
Thanks for the updates and many helpful fixes.

I have a problem with AnimationEventDelegate since Beta2, when I use the tk2dAnimatedSprite.Stop () function inside the delegate, it gives this error:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
tk2dAnimatedSprite.SetFrameInternal (Int32 currFrame) (at Assets/Plugins/tk2d/Sprites/tk2dAnimatedSprite.cs:336)
tk2dAnimatedSprite.Update () (at Assets/Plugins/tk2d/Sprites/tk2dAnimatedSprite.cs:446)

To test this error, please insert "animSprite.Stop ();" to line 21 of tk2dDemoAnimController.cs and click on "Message" button in tk2d Demo 5.

In 1.75 beta 1 it works without problem, this only happened in Beta 2 & 3.
I'm working on a long animation (from MODO) which uses triggers (setup automatically with script) to stop after each action, if Stop() is not going to be available in AnimationEventDelegate anymore, I'll need to change my plan, please help. :)

Thank you for clarifying, back to explore the script ref now  ;D

Thank you Unikron, that fixed it, SpriteCollection_Data folder of those fonts generated without problem.

Other than TextMesh, can I use those character sprites as "Tk 2d Sprite", too?

When I use the sprite collection the dropdown shows only the small sprite that I added to fix the bug, couldn't access to font sprites in the same collection from inspector. Don't know if it's designed to work this way, it would be nice if the font sprites can be used individually, too.

I'll wait for the next update, please take your time, your tools are very nice and I'm enjoy using it. ;)

Hi Unikron, thank you for providing these nice tools  ;D

I'm still learning the workflow and got stuck in "Importing a Font into a Sprite Collection"

My version is  1.7 final+patch 2 with Unity 3.5.1f2, after step 6 of the above walkthrough, I got these errors :

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.ProcessTexture (.tk2dSpriteCollection settings, Boolean additive, Boolean stretchPad, UnityEngine.Texture2D srcTex, Int32 sx, Int32 sy, Int32 tw, Int32 th, .SpriteLut& spriteLut, Int32 padAmount) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.cs:309)
tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.Rebuild (.tk2dSpriteCollection gen) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.cs:781)
tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.DrawToolbar () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/SpriteCollectionEditor/tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.cs:410)
tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.OnGUI () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Sprites/SpriteCollectionEditor/tk2dSpriteCollectionEditorPopup.cs:670)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

Have tried using the same .fnt for tk2d TextMesh without any problem, the font is from GlyphDesigner using Cocos2d Text format, also tried other formats and different char sizes and still couldn't pass that error.

Attached pls find 2 files for your testing use. Please help.

edit: attachments removed

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