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Messages - madclouds

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I'm working on submitting my game to the Apple TV App Store.  Unfortunately I keep getting this message when uploading a build:

Thinned App Size is Too Large - The app bundle at /Payload/yarn-apple-tv.app exceeds the maximum allowable size. After app thinning, your tvOS app bundle must be less than 200MB.

My game currently support @1x and @2x resolutions.  In an attempt to thin out the build size, I was wondering if there was a way I could exclude the @1x assets from my Apple TV build without having to manually go in each Sprite Collection and deleting the @1x platform support.

Any other thoughts on how I may be able to thin out my build size?  I'd really like something like #if UNITY_TVOS - exclude @1x resources from build.  Then when I switch platforms, I wouldn't have to worry about re-adding @2x support. 

Here are my stats:

Rejected Build
IPA size: 141.8 MB
Payload Folder Size: 352.3 MB
Application File Size: 352.3 MB
OnDemandResources Folder Size: 0 MB
Re-zipped Without Application File: 0 MB


Just released a major update to the Animal Doctor Adventure game I build for my daughter called Vet Island.  It's FREE to download too!


App Store Link

Support / Re: Build & Install App Size Optimization
« on: September 10, 2015, 10:47:10 pm »
Thanks for the input!

So I'm getting ready to release and my ipa size right now is 107.9mb.  I really want to shrink it by 8mb to get under the 100mb over-the-air size limit restriction.

I've gone through all my sprite collections and turned on Reduced 16 Bit compression, which has helped a lot but is there anything else I can do to squeeze out 8 more mb from the ipa?  Good to know that the png atlas format would reduce the size at the cost of load times.  Any other suggestions?

Here's a list of my most expensive assets if it helps:
32.0 mb    27.4% Assets/Sprite Collections/Island Data/atlas0.png
 8.0 mb    6.8% Assets/Sprite Collections/Safari Data/Safari@1x Data/atlas0.png
 8.0 mb    6.8% Assets/Sprite Collections/Neighborhood Data/Neighborhood@1x Data/atlas0.png
 8.0 mb    6.8% Assets/Sprite Collections/Jungle Data/Jungle@1x Data/atlas0.png
 8.0 mb    6.8% Assets/Sprite Collections/Jungle 2 Data/Jungle 2@1x Data/atlas0.png
 8.0 mb    6.8% Assets/Sprite Collections/Forest Data/Forest@1x Data/atlas0.png
 8.0 mb    6.8% Assets/Sprite Collections/Beach Data/Beach@1x Data/atlas0.png
 8.0 mb    6.8% Assets/Sprite Collections/Arctic Data/Arctic@1x Data/atlas0.png
 4.0 mb    3.4% Assets/Sprite Collections/UI Data/UI@1x Data/atlas0.png
 4.0 mb    3.4% Assets/Sprite Collections/Desert Data/Desert@1x Data/atlas0.png
 1.8 mb    1.6% Assets/Sprites/Comics/comic-cell-1_end-cell-safari.png
 1.8 mb    1.6% Assets/Sprites/Comics/comic-cell-1_end-cell.png
 1.5 mb    1.3% Assets/Sprites/Shop/shop_column.png
 705.2 kb    0.6% Assets/Sprites/UI/settings.png
 678.6 kb    0.6% Assets/Sprites/UI/island_cloud-1.png
 623.7 kb    0.5% Assets/Sprite Collections/Island Data/Island.prefab
 573.7 kb    0.5% Assets/Sprites/Shop/shop_shop-sign.png
 512.6 kb    0.4% Assets/Sprites/UI/ui_ui-sprite-sheet-big-arrow.png
 487.4 kb    0.4% Assets/Sprites/Shop/shop_island-btn-1.png
 485.7 kb    0.4% Assets/Sprites/Shop/shop_island-btn-2.png
 416.5 kb    0.3% Assets/Sprites/Menu/menu-2_palm 1.png
 355.6 kb    0.3% Assets/Sprites/Ambulance/@1x/ambulance-02.png
 349.4 kb    0.3% Assets/Sprites/UI/island_vet-island-logo.png
 286.3 kb    0.2% Assets/Sprites/Menu/menu-2_play-btn.png
 286.2 kb    0.2% Assets/Sprites/Menu/menu-2_tree-leaves.png


Support / Build & Install App Size Optimization
« on: September 04, 2015, 05:15:22 pm »
Hello 2DTK!

I'm getting close to releasing a major update to my game that includes to conversion to using 2DTK.  I have some questions I was hoping you could answer.

For reference, my app's build and install sizes:
    Over the air install size = 125mb
    Installed on device = 749mb

From the unity editor build log:
    @1x = Textures      268.3 mb    97.3%
    @2x = Textures      604.3 mb    98.8%

  • Any general suggestions for Sprite Collection compression?
  • When using Sprite Collections are the source assets also included in the build with the atlas0.png?  (I would assume no)
  • What can I do to get my texture sizes down?

As always, thanks for the support!


Once I XCode archived both versions built from Unity the output size was the same.

Looks like the setting in Unity and output in the Unity Editor Logs after build does not directly relate to the content included in the archived version.


Support / Platform Specific Build Sizes - Unity Editor Log After Build
« on: September 02, 2015, 04:50:52 pm »

I noticed different build sizes in the Unity Editor Log when I have 2D Toolkit > Preferences > Platform > 2x vs 1x.

     Textures      268.3 mb    97.3%
     Textures      604.3 mb    98.8%

I noticed @2x atlases are not in the @1x "Used Assets, sorted by uncompressed size:" and vice versa.  How does this affect my final build submitted to the App Store?

Thanks for any info!



I was wondering what the suggested way to handle platform specific sprite collections would be.  I went through the tutorial here - http://www.2dtoolkit.com/doc/2.5/advanced/platform_specific_sprite_collections.html - but it doesn't suggest how to select the CurrentPlatform.  Searching the forms, I found this code:

Code: [Select]
Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
if(Screen.width > 1136) {
tk2dSystem.CurrentPlatform = "4x";
else if( Screen.width > 480 ) {
tk2dSystem.CurrentPlatform = "2x";
else {
tk2dSystem.CurrentPlatform = "1x";
Debug.Log("CURRENT PLATFORM (main) : " + tk2dSystem.CurrentPlatform );
Debug.Log("Device data:");
Debug.Log("Screen resolution: " + Screen.width + " x " + Screen.height );

I saw another technique that monitored the device type and did a string match on the device to set the current platform, but that sounds brittle.

Is checking the Screen.width the best technique?  If so, I'd recommend adding that info to the tutorial page for other people to find.

Thanks for any feedback.

Support / Re: SpriteCollection - Mobile Optimization
« on: July 23, 2015, 05:07:04 am »
I believe I've figured it out.  Looks like the hierarchy order does affect the static sprite batcher order.  Before hitting commit, some sprites look out of order, but after committing, they pop back into the order I have them laid out in the hierarchy view.

It also looks like I can use the Z position to sort the sprites and then use "Flatten Depth" on the static sprite batcher to get the child sprites in the order I want.

Yay  :D

Support / Re: SpriteCollection - Mobile Optimization
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:45:52 am »
Thanks for the advice.  I feel so much better moving forward in my project knowing the correct way to group things.

I do have a follow up questions, I'm having trouble sorting sprites in my static sprite batcher.  Is there a trick to it?  I have a collection of trees in the background and I would like some rocks to display above them.  When put them all on the same sorting order, the rocks go behind the trees regardless of their hierarchy order.  When I change the rock sprite sorting order and try to commit the batcher, i get the attached error.

Anything I can do here, or should I just create 2 static batchers instead?

Support / SpriteCollection - Mobile Optimization
« on: July 21, 2015, 06:32:18 pm »
Hey 2DTK!

I'm working on a large task of converting my Unity3d project VetIsland.com to use 2DTK and I had some questions about mobile optimization.  I'm getting lots of reports of the first gen iPad mini's and iPhone 4's crashing, which is why I'm refactoring the project to use 2DTK which will hopefully fix the memory issues.

In my game, there are 6 environments and 16 animals.

What is the best way to organize Sprite Collections to be as effective as possible?
Should I have 1 sprite collection per Environment?  Or 1 sprite collection containing all environments?  (note, all environment assets can't fit inside a single 2048^2 atlas)
Should I have 1 sprite collection per animal?  Or 1 sprite collection containing all the animals?

Static batching sprite collections:
I use a parallax effect in my environments.  Should I static batch each layer of the parallax?  Does that gain me anything?

My environments are built by duplicating and tiling a large number of sprites.  Are there any settings I should be aware of for this to be better optimized?

As always, thanks for the great plugin and constant support!


Thanks!  Found it.  Feel free to delete this thread.

Attached a test project with only 2dtk imported.  There is no "2dtk" item under the "GameObject" dropdown.

Hey There,

When I created a new 2D Unity project and imported 2DTK, the option to create sprites is not available.

I can still create sprite collections and sprite animations in the project window, but in the hierarchy window create dropdown, the 2dtk menu item is not present?

Attached some screenshots.

Any thoughts?

Edit: Updated post title as updated to 2DTK 2.5.4 didn't fix the issue for me :(

Thanks for the feedback.  I'll definitely give that a try.

As a follow up - is there any reason I shouldn't use Unity's Animation Controller & Clips to move/rotate the 2dtk sprites?  Seems like I could better control of animations vs png sequences.

BTW - great product and thanks for providing your input and knowledge.  It's as valuable as the software itself :D


I found a few related posts: 


Summary:  "[Unity Animator] can't animate c# properties. All tk2d properties are c# properties, and can't be animated in this way"

Any suggestions for handling a speed based animation would be greatly appreciated.   I'm worried about using animator.Play("Walk")/animator.Play("Run")/animator.Play("Sprint") will cause jumps or skips in the animation loops. 

Any thoughts?

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