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Topics - coshea

Pages: [1]

I updated TK2d to on Unity 2017.4.40 project and now get this error:

Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2dTileMap/Code/tk2dTileMapBuilderUtil.cs(120,38): error CS0117: `UnityEditor.PrefabUtility' does not contain a definition for `GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource'

I'm actually not using tilemaps at all, I tried deleting the tk2dtilemap folder but then I get a whole bunch of errors for tk2dEditorUtility.cs

Do you know how to fix the above issue?


Support / Removing a platform texture from builds
« on: January 24, 2019, 09:15:48 pm »

I built my game when the iPhone 3GS was out, so all game objects are built in Unity editor at 1x scale, with 2x and 4x platforms (higher res textures) in toolkit2d for hi-res iPhone and iPad.

As I don't support low end devices now, like the 3GS, that used the 1x scale, I was wondering if there's any way to remove the texture atlas before building and if that would cause errors. I would only ever set tk2dSystem.CurrentPlatform = "2x" or "4x".

Atlases are stored in Resources/tk2d/ as .asset files correct? Or am I wrong there?

I can see the asset file is named after the Data Guid from the collection data,

Anyway perhaps you could advise?

Many thanks

Support / Issues with Unity 2018
« on: June 04, 2018, 02:56:56 pm »
Upgraded from 2017 > 2018 using TK2D

This is the error (editor console, not playback)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
tk2dSpriteAttachPoint.HandleSpriteChanged (.tk2dBaseSprite spr) (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Sprites/tk2dSpriteAttachPoint.cs:77)
tk2dSpriteAttachPoint.Awake () (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Sprites/tk2dSpriteAttachPoint.cs:35)


Support / Blend2TexVertexColor on instances of objects
« on: June 02, 2017, 09:50:17 am »


So I have a bunch of sprites in one atlas that uses BlendVertexColor.

Via script I would like to take some of those objects and change it to Blend2TexVertexColor, but still leaving the other objects having their single texture.

If I change any object material to 2tex shader, they all change of course.

I was wondering if you know any way I can do it with instancing, either setting the shader/material per object, or maybe all sprites using Blend2TexVertexColor but then setting the gradient texture per object instance?

I've just been reading about MaterialProperyBlocks, do you think that could work if I modify the shader?


Support / Edit collider points issue with dragging sprites
« on: March 10, 2017, 02:50:26 pm »

Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find in search.

If you have a 2dtoolkit sprite with a 2d collider attached, when you go to edit that point position (dragging the green box on the collider outline), if the point lies within the bounds of the sprite as they often do, the mouse moves the sprite rather than the collider point.

I've tried locking layers/sort layers, no effect.

Any ideas? Thanks

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