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Topics - nikolic

Pages: [1]
Showcase / My Number - a simple arithmetic game for Android
« on: September 02, 2013, 10:55:49 pm »
I have finished my first free game for Android using 2D Toolkit. The game requires basic arithmetic skills but is not complex at all.


Any feedback and comments are greatly appreciated.


Support / Bug inside BMFont (not inside 2D Toolkit)
« on: March 12, 2012, 02:20:23 am »
I found the bug in the exported BMFont xml file and think I should share as I believe it's not so easy to track down.

I included very small character subset (only digits and few letters) and there was no kerning between the characters inside the exported atlas. The generated xml was not valid and it had to be corrected manually. 2D Toolkit tried to parse it as BMFont text file and found no characters.

Instead of:

Code: [Select]
<kernings count="0" />
BMFont writes:

Code: [Select]
<kernings count="0">
Hope it might help someone.

Support / Multiple Resolutions?
« on: February 08, 2012, 10:25:49 pm »
I've been using 2D Toolkit for few months and I'm very happy with its features. At the moment, I'm primarily interested in Android.

If I set Target Height to 480 and Target Ortho Size to 240, it works perfectly in landscape orientation with 800x480 and 854x480 screens. If I run the game on 1280x800 device, the sprites get scaled up. This is expected behavior and that's fine.

I was wondering how you support multiple resolutions with 2D Toolkit in order to achieve pixel perfect rendering across multiple resolutions on Android?
Do you create multiple textures packs and sprite collections to support lower and higher screen heights available?


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