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Topics - artician

Pages: [1]
Support / Unable to fit in Atlas
« on: August 17, 2014, 01:24:09 am »

I'm getting a frustrating error.  I am updating existing sprites with new versions of the artwork. 
In our first-pass test implementation we had 18 frames that were 1080x1080 resolution. 
Since that worked, we finalized the artwork, which resulted in sprites that used a lower resolution (1024x1024), and less frames (17 instead of 18).
Filenames are all the same.  We deleted frame 18 from the original sprite collection, and overwrote sprites 1-17 with the finished versions.
The problem then appears in a dialog that states:

"Unable to fit in atlas
You have a texture which exceeds the atlas size.
Consider putting it in a separate atlas, enabling dicing, or reducing the texture size."

Can you please help us solve this issue?  It makes no sense considering the sprites use 1 less frame, and are a lower resolution than the original.  Using the original sprites we have a working build on the target platform.

Thank you for any assistance.

Support / Network Permissions
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:27:06 am »
I'm having some difficulty getting my android build to not require network permissions on the device.
I've stripped out all packages that require network access, and 2Dtk is the only one I haven't seen any advice on this problem for.  Can anyone tell me what scripts, if any, in the toolkit require internet access permissions? 
Because of the way the Android works, even if I've not used any network functions in my code, it still presents the user with the notification that it requests full network permission, and I'd like to not do that to my users.  I tried stripping out the 2dtkUpdateManager and 2dtkUpdateWindow files just in case, but this was just a guess and the project does not compile without these anyway.
Many thanks for any help!

Support / Multi-sprite collection scale bug
« on: March 03, 2014, 05:41:51 pm »
Hi, I have this reoccurring issue.  I have too many sprites for a character to fit on one Atlas/Collection, so I have to use two separate collections to store everything.

The problem I'm encountering is that, at runtime, any sprites from the second collection always appear at a different scale than those in the first Collection.  All animations are kept in the same animation file, and both collections are set to the same scale within their collections.

The sprites in the first collection are at a scale of (0.3,0.3,1), so I set the sprites in the second collection to the same scale: (0.3,0.3,1). 
The result of this is that sprites from the second collection appear about 0.1 of the overall scale, instead of the same scale as sprites from the first collection.
Through trial and error I discovered that the only way to get sprites used from the second collection to appear the same is to set that collection at a scale of (0.81, 0.81, 1) exactly.

One factor that may be involved is that I am using the Set Sprite Scale function on the animated sprites in order to flip them on X, so a few times in the project they will go from (1,1,1) to (-1,1,1), however no other scaling is done on these assets, and I am using the 2dTk functions exclusively for this.

Since I have the above workaround it's not stopping me from moving forward, but I'd still like to report the issue/resolve it if possible.  Thank you for any help!

Support / Updating Sprite Sheets
« on: November 16, 2013, 11:31:41 pm »
I have updated the source sprite sheets I'm using for my animations, but I can't seem to get the Sprite Collection to reflect the update.  I drag the updated .PNG into the Sprite Collection Texture area, but the sprites show no change. 

Looking at the updated image by itself, it shows the correct changes.  Can someone tell me how updating existing assets in a Sprite Collection is done?

Any help is appreciated!  Thank you!

Support / Multi-collection animation file? [SOLVED]
« on: November 11, 2013, 11:41:46 pm »
Looked at the FAQ but didn't find what I needed.

I split my sprites into 3 different collections for better resource management.  I am still only using one animation file though, and it appears that I can have an animation file that pulls from multiple Sprite Collections.  The problem I'm having is that the mapping for different animations/collections keeps getting messed up, and I'm not at all certain why. 
I imported all my animations as pre-assembled sprite-sheets, which worked fine at first.  Once I moved to using multiple collections, it's as though the tool loses track of the cell-size on different collections.

Is this not possible?  Do I have to create a separate animation file for each separate collection file as well?

Thanks for any help.

Support / Crash Help
« on: November 11, 2013, 07:31:48 pm »
Hi, I just purchased 2dTk today because it looked like the best tool for my project.  It's nice, but I received this epic error when I tried to commit to a sprite collection.

Any help is appreciated.

Pages: [1]