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Topics - 1dayitwillmake

Pages: [1]
Support / Extra tiny feature request
« on: May 31, 2014, 08:23:10 pm »
I have a tiny feature request, which from what I can tell and tested should really not cause any issues.

In tk2dUIProgressBar could the paremter 'initializedSlicedSpriteDimensions' be made public?
A use case for this, is you have a progress bar which will be resized (or even sized once during set up), and you'd like to basically mark it as dirty so the 'fullSlicedSpriteDimensions' are recalculated.

Since that's all it really does, it doesn't seem like it'd have any side effects - what do you say?

Support / Updating collider when re-positioning a button
« on: May 31, 2014, 07:12:38 pm »
I'm laying out some objects in code, however when I do that it seems that the colliders maintain their original position.

Previously I was just modifying the transform.localPosition, but I noticed that left the bounds incorrectly displayed in the editor.
So I switched to a simple wrapper that would take a Vec3 position and call SetBounds, but the collider is still in the incorrect spot.

What is the correct way to modify the dimensions / position of a UILayoutItem such that its collider is correctly updated?

Here's an image for reference

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