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Topics - castor

Pages: [1]
Support / Copy Past Collider Setting?
« on: March 05, 2015, 04:35:00 am »
I have many sprites in my collections that requires to have the same poly collider settings. They are generated from spritesheet so the size of the sprites are the same.
Trouble is , that it takes very long time to set that up by hand. Is there any way to copy the collider setting from one sprite to another? It would be super nice to be able to do that across the different sprite collections but even if just within the collection would be really helpful.


Support / physics collider editing
« on: February 24, 2015, 03:29:07 pm »
I am using 2d toolkit extensively in my project but i would like to ask if it is possible to :

1. Change depth of collider per sprite. If not able to do this in the collection editor is there alternative way to do this without making my sprite non uniformly scaled in one axis.

2. Also it would be super useful to be able to offset the collider in z axis. So they are not all necessary centered around the sprite. So in nutshell, it would be useful to be able to specify depth and offset of collider per sprite.

3. When i edit points in the collection editor window it is very difficult and tiring to make a say straight lined points. Is there any way to be able to move the point with restricted axis? Like only sliding on x or y direction. We could possibly use some keyboard combination with this.

Any chance with above ??

Support / Crazy crash bug with Unity 4.6
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:49:35 pm »
Ok, you may call me crazy, but I have just spent entire day trying to track down what is causing my project to crash outright when opening any scene with 2dtoolkit sprite in it.

It happens with the following condition :

1. It happens Only with Unity 4.6 .. works perfectly fine with Unity 4.5.5.
2. It happens when 2dtoolkit sprite objects are child of some other game objects.
3. It only happens when there are more than one of the same sprite in the scene. So it doesn't happen if there is only one.
4. It only happens when sprite uses mesh collider (from 2dtoolkit sprite setting)
5. It seems like it only happens "if" the sprite is also linked to the prefab. ie ( blue in hierarchy)
6. It happens if the gameobject with problomatic 2dtoolkit sprite is active in the hierarchy.
6. It only happens when "open" or "load" the scene itself. So when I open project/scene using 4.5.5 and then deactivate those game objects and then save, open using 4.6 it opens fine. Activating the gameobjects after that is also fine. Save the scene, and then quit Unity. Fire up Unity 4.6 again (which will load previous scene) will cause Unity to crash back into desktop.

Took me whole day just to nail down to the condition like above. I have a single gameobject (empty) and two 2dtoolkit sprite game objects as a child in a scene and it happens.

So my conclusion so far is..

It definitely got something to do with using mesh collider by 2dtoolkit. Definitely only happens with Unity 4.6

At first I thought this has got to do with prefabs made using Unity 4.5.5 and trying to use it in 4.6 is causing the problem. So I made new prefabs with 2dtoolkit sprite and saved it using Unity 4.6. Created a game object. Bring in 2 of the instances and parented under the empty gameobject I created. Saved scene. Quit and Restart Unity 4.6 .... Then boom crash again.

I still used old sprite collections, but I am too tired to try new collections at the moment.

Does any one having issue like this with Unity 4.6 ???


Support / Changing material at run time.
« on: October 14, 2014, 07:47:17 am »
I want to change material used by a sprite to the other one during run time.

While searching for the solution I have came across this topic :


It basically has a bit of work around but it doesn't cover the basic feature of the tool.

Situation :

I have sprite collection with couple of materials on them. Meaning, that some sprite uses material_A and others uses material_B etc..
The above material settings are done in the sprite collection editor.

Now during the run time I want to change the material of specific sprite to the one I want , causing them to become local and just modify it without affecting the other sprites.

The above link solution does work for changing the run time case, but that causes the other usual assignment of the different materials by the editor not working anymore for the existing sprite prefabs.

This , ofcourse is because, the work around code is ignoring the change and only allocates one when a sprite is being created. So for the ones that are already created, it can't change.

Is there any other updated workaround for this issue?

Thanks. :o

Support / Unity inspector preview for prefab
« on: June 14, 2014, 03:36:16 am »
When I create a prefab with 2dtoolkit sprite , Unity inspector does not show anything due to the fact that 2Dtoolkit does not generate mesh before instanced into the scene.

I am using some other tools with I need the Unity to be able to render the inspector prefab image, so how can this be done with 2dtoolkit?

This is much needed feature and even for not using the other tools, selecting prefab with base object not having the 2dtoolkit sprite means I can't see it's preview in the unity inspector..

Any solution to this?


Support / Multiple polygon collider
« on: June 05, 2014, 02:00:03 am »
I use 2Dtoolkit's polygon collider extensively and it would be really helpful if we can add multiple polygon colliders (and be able to edit them in toolkit edit window).

This is because there could be some different part of the sprite having to behave differently according to the perceived materials on them.

For example , if you have a sprite for say object which is made out of wood and steel, hit reaction fx would spawn differently depends on where you hit the object.
If I can create multiple polygon collider and then assign different physics material on them, I can detect what kind of material it has hit and go from there on.

This may be a slightly big feature requests but could be a valuable addition to the 2dtoolkit.


Hi, I would like to know if there is way for me to make moving of points in toolkit editor to be constrained into X or Y direction only?

I work with lots of custom render shape and polygon collider and most of the time I want to make a "straight line" link from one point to another but this is very difficult and time consuming since it is difficult to line them up perfectly using free mouse drag.

It would be much better if say I press shift and drag point into the direction I want and it only does to that particular axis ( X or Y)

It this possible, if not, can it be added to the next build? I think it will improve editing points inside toolkit editor a lot painless experience.


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