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Topics - yo_milo

Pages: [1]
Support / [SOLVED] CurrentSprite.GetUntrimmedBounds() Gives wrong center
« on: January 12, 2017, 01:24:07 am »
Greetings, I was converting some code that works with spriteRenderers to work with 2D Toolkit, and there was a section of code that read like:
if(bounds.Contains(position) ){
//Do something

However, using 2DToolkit sprites, I figured I should use tk2dSprite.CurrentSprite.GetBounds().Contains(position) or tk2tk2dSprite.GetBounds().Contains(Position), but it was giving me false results :(, and I noticed my bounds.Center parameters were always ceros.

Is there anything I am missing? Should I use the MeshRenderer instead? For the moment I decided to store the bounds in a temporary variable, and then assign the center to my sprite.transform.position.

Is there a 2d toolkit built in parameter that gives me the correct bounds?

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