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Topics - loofou

Pages: [1]
Support / Sprite Layering
« on: December 23, 2012, 02:59:30 pm »
Hi there,

I have a question about best practices for sprite layering. I'm currently working on an oldschool rpg style game (eg Zelda ALttP, or Final Fantasy 6 or less) with tilemaps. Tilemap layering is not the issue, but layering overlapping sprites in the world itself.

I want my sprites to overlap sprites that are "behind" them (from game perspective), but are overlapped from the same sprites, if they are "behind" them. I don't know how to best describe my problem, so I made a few images with prototype graphics.

Player is the green link sprite. This is correct.

If the player walks behind the dark link sprite. This happens now, but is not correct.

And this is the correct expected behavior.

My question is: What are the best practices to get this behavior? I thought of always changing the z-positition of all sprites in regard to their y-position, but i guess thats dumb.
Another thought was to change the render queue all the time, but that would mean to create a new material every time, right?

I appreciate any help of you guys. Thanks in advance :)


Support / TileMap Layer offset
« on: August 23, 2012, 11:14:21 am »
Hello Everyone,

I don't know if I am just blind or stupid, but I can't find the layer offset function anywhere. In the 2dtk doc's tilemap tutorial there is a picture that shows layer offsets, but that feature seems to be gone in the newest version. I try to prototype my game using overlapping block tiles, so I need to set an offset in the Y coordinate for the upper layers to stack seemless to the lower blocks. Any guess where I would find the option?

I really appreciate any help with this, so thanks in advance!


Pages: [1]