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Messages - vevusio

Pages: [1]
Showcase / 2d toolkit custom materials
« on: February 07, 2014, 09:54:17 pm »
so back a while when i just started with unity and c# and i bought 2d toolkit and was messing around with it, i was wondering about the lack of an option to specify materials for sprites on a per-instance/prefab basis

since then i've changed the impementation for my own project so i could color text and ui elements on-the-fly

setting materials on gameobjects/prefabs also allows you to change the materials on 2d toolkit sprite animations without having to create an extra sprite for every frame and then creating an extra animation clip with all the new sprite variants

als here's a youtube video where i explain how to use it

attached with this post is the demo scene with the handfull of 2d toolkit files that you have to replace in order for this to work (provided i did not forget something)
so you will have to supply your own tk2d install but replace some files with those in the zip

Support / Re: Platform Specific Sprite Collections
« on: December 20, 2013, 03:20:57 pm »
3. Unity will include 1x and 2d into the build, but only the appropriate one will be loaded into memory.

isn't that pretty bad? i mostly see the point of using x1-4 in releasing content for mobile devices, x1 to support crappy screens like ~320x480 (which is still like the most prevailing), up to x4 to support the latest devices with 1080x1920 resolutions

but if you build an APK for android and you have to include the x1, x2 and x4 textures in that build, that means that for a device like the samsung galaxy ace which only needs the x1 resolution your APK will pack 6 times as many MB in textures as it has to

that must be totally devastating on old devices which run on very little internal storage and often don't have an sd card slot?
which imo is why android supports the multiple apk stuff in the first place http://developer.android.com/google/play/publishing/multiple-apks.html

so how are people dealing with that?

Support / Re: different materials on sprite prefab
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:24:37 pm »
is no one having this use case? applying different shaders to sprites and animations to get different visuals without recreating every single sprite and sprite-animation per-material?!

i'd like to know if i am totally missing or misunderstanding some core concept here, if this can't be done, and you in fact have to do that, then it would be nice to know for sure at least

Support / different materials on sprite prefab
« on: November 02, 2013, 05:05:30 pm »
i want to create a prefab for a sprite, and then change the material on the game objects using that prefab (i.e. different shaders etc.)

currently when i set a different material on a game object using the sprite component in the inspector, for example change the default shader to litvertexblend, the material changes correctly, however upon clicking play the material is reverted to the original material associated with the sprite in the collection

ofc i could create 2 sprites with the same image with different materials, but then i would have to create x bounding boxes, x animations, etc. per x different materials

so how can i override the default material and make it stick?

Pages: [1]