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Messages - RCBricker

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Issues with Unity 2018
« on: April 20, 2019, 01:07:50 pm »
The Beta Update fixed all the problems on my end. Thanks UNIKRON.

They are affecting each other, here have a look in the attachments man, now I really am clueless as to what to try now, the sprite colletion has setting to generate normal and all the object renderers are active, any sugestions?

The game does indeed run and I'm using lightning, but before the stencil solution, there was no warning message on console, the sprite had their normas generated in the sprite collection, does it really not affect the final product?

Thanks, the stencil solution has nearly done the trick so far, since I'm not familiar with stencil I'm still trying to figure it out, but now that I added the stencil to duplicates of the LitBlend and LitCutout 2D Toolkit shader I keep getting a "shader wants normals but mesh doest have them" message, how can I modify the shader and get back the "d Toolkit spritecollection normals?

Here are some images attached:

- First Image Shows a starting position so it can be compared to the second image so you can appreciate the perspective

- Second is a refference image to see the shadows displacement

Note: on both of these images the tilemap material is using a transparent/cutout/diffuse shader

- Third image shows the player at the base of the room ej the bottom floor, as you can see both the bottom mid platform (the thing with blue borders) and the mid floor (the brown wood floor where it was before) are drawn on top of the player

-Fourth image is the player standing on the bottom mid platform, being drawn on top of it but still below the mid floor (as it should be)

- On the fifth image i activated the "shadow refference", and as you can see the player looks a bit darker beacause the shadow is drawn on top of him

- Sixth Image is the player at the bottom floor again and the shadow is now drawn on top of both the player and the mid floor becauase it has the highest sorting order

Note: This time I changed the tilemap shader back to tk2d/litblendvertexcolor so it doesnt cast shadows and draws the "shadow" as i want it to.

- Sevent Image the player is below the mid floor but you still see the shadow on top as a refference to the player position (like when you entered the sewers in mario sunshine), and this is what i want.

The Problem: I've been trying to make this shadow draw above the tilemaps but below the player at all times, but for the player to be accuratly drawn below and on top the tilemap layer it should i have to change dinamically its sorting order (as can be seen in the editor in the images, this is due to the perspective camera)

On a side note: how can I cast and recieve shadows as with the transparent/cutout/diffuse shader but still use 2d toolkit shader properties? Is there a 2d toolkit shader that does this or it has to be custom?

Btw: Thanks for the reply Unikron.

Hello guys, Unikron, I've been trying to accomplish something in the last few days to no avail, to decribe what is trying to do, I have set up my tilemap in the scene, each layer has a z offset of 1 from the previous creating 7 different layers, each layer has a sorting order in layer that increases from back to front like this:

Back layer sorting order = 1
Back layer detail sorting order = 2

Back Mid layer sorting order = 4
Back Mid layer detail sorting order = 5

Mid layer sorting order = 7
Mid layer detail sorting order = 8

Mid Top layer sorting order = 10
Mid Top layer detail sorting order = 11

Top layer sorting order = 13
Top layer detail sorting order = 14

Walls Filler layer sorting order = 16

if we see each layer as a depth i leave a open number between each so i can make my player and enemies sprite componen sorting order that number like this:

If player is at bottom depth, player sprite sorting order  = 3

If player is at bottom Mid depth, player sprite sorting order  = 6

If player is at Mid depth, player sprite sorting order  = 9

If player is at Mid top depth, player sprite sorting order  = 12

If player is at top depth, player sprite sorting order  = 15

I do this since I'm using a perspective camera so my sprite don't draw on top of layers that they are actually below to, but want I want to do is to draw a "shadow" of such sprite on top of the layer above like this:

If player is below N depth, draw shadow on top of N depth

I have tried setting the sorting order of such shadow to 20 but if draws on top of the player also, what I want is to draw such shadow in front of everything else BUT the player itself, I tried using rendering queue setters to no avail, and have no idea how to use the sorting order in other way that the said above to acomplish this.

So, help please.

And even if you don't have and answer thanks for reading all my ramblimg up there. :D

Support / Re: Unity 4.6 not letting me create 2D Toolkit in Heirarchy
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:00:52 pm »
Heil Unikron, thanks man.

Support / Unity 4.6 not letting me create 2D Toolkit in Heirarchy
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:19:08 pm »
The tittle pretty much says it all, I was wondering what to do, so far I created empty gameobjects and attached 2D Toolkit scripts to them and so far it works but compared to the previous way it's slow, so I was wondering if there is a fix for this or update?

Support / Sprite deformation with collider on contact
« on: December 10, 2014, 12:37:50 am »
Hello I was wondering if I can achieve a particular effect that is a sprite deformation of both the sprite and its collider using 2D Toolkit, like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6VXzL3jZQY at 30 seconds in you can see the effect well enough.


Support / Re: Pre Rendered Lights on a Tiled Sprite
« on: October 12, 2014, 05:00:36 pm »
I see then, is it posible to paint on some sprites al tiled sprites as I paint on a TileMap?

Support / Pre Rendered Lights on a Tiled Sprite
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:28:28 pm »
Hello Unikron and fellow forum folk, I have been trying to bake lights (just the light no shadows required) from a point light to a tiled sprite to reduce  memory usage in my game, I have seen several tuts on lightmapping, basically I check the object as static, place all the lights I want to bake, select baking options and bake, from what I´ve seen the only component required to do this is that the objects to bake have mesh renderers,  and my tiled sprite does, but when I set the lights, set the tiled sprite as static and bake the tiled sprite goes black and if I disable the lights there is no pre  light on the tiled sprite, my sprite collection generate normals, my sprite collections material is the tk2dlitvertexcolor and the recive lights, what am I missing here?


Support / Re: TileMap Tiles Strange lines appearing
« on: August 12, 2014, 12:38:49 am »
That seemed to fix it, If stays like this I'll be one happy guy, Thanks a lot Unikron.

Support / Re: TileMap Tiles Strange lines appearing
« on: August 11, 2014, 10:57:56 pm »
Sorry I took long in anwering, The settings are the same, both are running on the same DX11 and since ins a 16bit game i'm using point filter for all the spritecolletions.
 Even with the anti-aliasin gon the second pc on at all timer the lines are back again.

Support / Re: TileMap Tiles Strange lines appearing
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:04:21 am »
On the AMD pc that had the problem it was off, went into the AMD Control Panel turned it on and it's working dandy now, does this mean that the graphic setting of my game (considering its an 16-bit game I decided to use a single graphics level) must have anti aliasing on?

Support / TileMap Tiles Strange lines appearing
« on: August 05, 2014, 08:45:43 pm »
Hi, I've been having some trouble working between 2 machines (since it may be related, my machine runs on Nvidia and my collaborators machine runs on AMD), while working on my pc everything looks fine but when I import the project to the other machine the tiles of the tilemap and some sprites have some weird lines in ther box bordes (not the sprite itself but the square space that holds the sprite), like the sprite has on its borders a portion of another sprite.

The sprites look good in the sprite collection editor on both machines, same in animator collection for the player, this just happens during runtime.

Sorry for the bad english, if more info is required please tell me.

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