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Messages - NoRyuk

Pages: [1]
Support / Build objects on 2d isometric tilemap
« on: August 19, 2017, 07:43:43 pm »
Re Hi,
I have another problem... (I'm beginner of your asset)

As I attached, I paint the isometric tile and I built the building.

Let's say aspalt tile is the building in the picture.
I use 'Tk2d sprite' and 'Tk2d tiled sprit'e  script to the building Tile, but problem still exist.

How to solve that problem?

Can I make the tile PNG sprite to the tile collection, and paint the building to the tile map on the runtime?

Thanks for reply,

I solved Q2. but still I have Q1's problem.

I set same value of Zpos but their point light intensity looks different...

Hi, I have some troubles in Pointlight.

Q1. How to determine Exact pointLight position?
 (I mean, In tilemap, pointLight's effectiveness is different, although same transform.Z value, same intensity, same light range)
 (In picture, A and B is example.)

Q2. what is the exact pointlight's position in unity scene and mobile build?
(In picutre,  the positions of A,B,C and  those of m1, m2 is different)

here is my setting
(unity 5.5.4f1 , latest tk2d asset)

Please help me T.T

Pages: [1]