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Messages - Majicpanda

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Support / Re: Animations with sprites of varying sizes
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:34:39 pm »
Ok so if this isn't possible the only other way would be to manually place the pivots at the exact same spot in the collection?

Only about 10 of the images fit into an atlas untrimmed so that'll cause an issue. Even trimmed does the image take up untrimmed space in memory during runtime?

Support / Animations with sprites of varying sizes
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:41:04 pm »
I am having major problems telling my artist how to give me a sequence of frames for an animation for use in Unity and tk2d.

We have a large 1000x400 ish map and on it he has made several layers to use in animations.  I could export layers to files trimmed but that would mean an animation exports 1 frame as say 30x40 and another 30x43 if the flames animating are higher than the original frame.

Is this ok and if so how do I get it into tk2d correctly so that the images stack exactly on each other and the extra vertical height is correctly handled?  Ideally if he exported all layers to png I would grab them like Cave1, Cave2, Cave3 and put them in an animation and then manually place it on the map.

Support / Re: 2D Clothing Items
« on: November 07, 2013, 07:10:45 pm »
Ok thanks just making sure before I have my artist draw every single helmet and chest item 6 times each... the variant will just be moving some pixels around, but it is still quite a bit of art when you have 50 head items, 50 chest items x 6 race sizes. 

I assumed no solution but the verification from you is all I needed to feel good about the project, lol.

Support / Re: 2D Clothing Items
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:45:01 pm »
I do currently have a parent child object like below..

GameObject (Player)
- Main Character Sprite (Race, human, elf etc Z = 0)
- Chest Sprite (simply stacks on top Z = -.1)
- Helm Sprite (also just stacks on top Z = -.2)
- Weapon Sprite (dynamically equipped Z = .1)

So when I call EquipItem(Item item) in my game it simply changes the right sprite SetSprite("Plate Helm") etc ... not sure what you mean by child?

The problem is a plate chest for an ogre is much larger than a plate chest for a halfling, so it doesn't scale well.  I'm assuming in 3d you use the same "chainmail" material and just stretch it across a model, but working with sprites is very different.

Support / Re: 2D Clothing Items
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:12:27 pm »
This was probably poorly worded, sorry.

Aside from the 3d method to create a model for my characters and then wrap a material around the characters "chest" item, is there any tk2d way to pull this kind of thing off?  If you have a Human, Giant, Gnome, etc all needing to equip "Platemail Chest" item, currently I'm having to make a new Platemail Chest sprite for every single race in my game.. does this sound incorrect?

Support / 2D Clothing Items
« on: November 06, 2013, 04:07:57 pm »

Is there any better way to either design the art or inform my artists of a way I can "equip" clothing items onto players? The idea is the items need to fix the white area pixel perfect, but currently they are tasked with creating a whole new sprite for every single size of character in the game, so all art is duplicated 5 times so far for chest and head items.

Support / Re: Equipped Character Items & Z-Depth
« on: October 11, 2013, 07:27:59 pm »
This is what I've already done, but if a character moves "down" in the 2d area then they technically need to be rendered on a different Z, so I guess that means I need to have all my characters current Z's being tracked and control some method of changing it when they need to render in front.


That's a good example of what I'm doing.

Support / Equipped Character Items & Z-Depth
« on: October 11, 2013, 01:49:39 am »
I have an RPG type game and characters laid out like the following:

Main Body sprite - z=0
Head equip item - z=-.2
Chest item - z=-.1
mainhand item - z=.1
Offhand item - z=-.3

This all works great except obviously when characters start walking among each other since up to 4 can be on the screen at once and then as you can expect very weird things happen visually with all these depths weaving between each other.

Is there any other better way to do this?

Support / ScriptableObject for sprite reference
« on: September 09, 2013, 05:24:45 am »
I want to use ScriptableObjects for my monsters in my game so that I can load up the data from them.  The issue I can't seem to figure out is how to get the sprite to show up in the inspector besides just using a public tk2dSpriteCollectionData monsterData ref to my monster atlas and then do a workflow that all monster names exactly match a sprite in the data and do SetSprite(monsterData, monsterName), but I was hoping for something a bit more concrete and not error prone.

Support / Re: Adding Folders of sprites to a Collection Workflow
« on: July 27, 2013, 08:14:42 pm »
Excellent as always thank you :)  The work around right now is to simply search for "1" and delete them all, but this also makes me have to select all and set the anchor point for all the sprites again.  It would be really cool if you could set an anchor for the current batch of sprites you are importing (not for the whole collection) and it set it... that would be insanely helpful for my current situation.

Support / Adding Folders of sprites to a Collection Workflow
« on: July 27, 2013, 03:49:54 pm »
Hopefully I'm doing something wrong here.... If you have 100 sprites sitting in your project folder Armor let's say, you then bring over 50 more and need to get them into the collection but have no idea which they are you end up dragging the entire folder into the collection resulting in a bunch of 1's after the duplicates and any updates you made won't be reflected because it copied them.

Is there another way to do this task over the course of my project?  I need something like "Add all these images and overwrite existing"

Support / NGUI Clipped Panel shader and tk2d
« on: July 20, 2013, 05:18:50 am »

In the above post I asked how clipped panels worked in NGUI and it's apparently with a shader.  When I try to use this on a tk2d material it makes the sprites not show up at all.  Curious if you had any suggestions at all on your end.

I'm trying to use the same atlas to re-create a character in ngui so I can use it in the HUD and other GUI things.

Support / Z Depth Draw Calls
« on: July 14, 2013, 01:35:19 am »
I've got 3 atlases that make up a player in my game.  Armor, Weapons and Characters. 

Each Adventurer contains child objects for each of these sprites on different z depths to create a layering effect.  If the player animated sprite is at Z = 1, the helmet GO with tk2dsprite on it is at -.1 and the chest -.1 and weapon is .1 so that it is behind the "hand" and everything else. 

This workflow works great as it's only 3 DCs for a character, but the problem comes when I put one at Z=20 in the world, one in Z=21, 22, 23.. this creates 3 MORE draw calls per character even though the sprites are in the same texture.

Can you please tell me why this is happening or suggest another way to create depth?  Each player has to be able to pass the other creating a "this guy is behind this one" type effect when they walk behind, so I need some way to make that happen when they walk over to attack an enemy on the right side of the screen.


Support / Re: Graphic anomalies at different resolutions
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:01:29 am »
I had my artist do 192x108 to have a nice 16:9 background size to work from, so knowing Unity I know physics works well at ortho 10, so the size on screen kind of just worked out automatically.  If we want the art to look smaller should we be making target height bigger or target ortho smaller?.. or actual ortho smaller (that would mess up a lot of things unless tk2d collections were modified exactly accordingly)

I suppose if we were to say... the native resolution is 192x108 to be pixel perfect.. so how do we adjust from there regarding Unity ortho size, target height and ortho target in tk2d?

FYI adding 1px padding on all images "seems" to have fixed the weird texture flashing issues.. but I wish I knew what I did wrong that's causing it, if anything. 

Edit: Looks like we raised the backgrounds to 224x126 which is a multiple of 16:9 and then made the characters 126 target height... this might cause problems?  Do we need to change to 256x144 as according to this?

Goal: Target 16:9 and design most everything to fit in 4:3 and let NGUI scale properly.. i didnt really think about targeting a specific resolution correctly.

Support / Re: Change sprite collection for an animation library?
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:09:13 pm »
Line 132 of tk2dSpriteAnimator ...
_sprite = GetComponent<tk2dBaseSprite>();

Line 134:
Debug.LogError("Sprite not found attached to tk2dSpriteAnimator.");

I believe all GO's with a sprite animator require a tk2d sprite to be on the object as well, so do this first:
sprite = two.AddComponent<tk2dSprite>();

tk2d 2.0 might now be tk2dBaseSprite so I'm not 100% sure which you're supposed to use.

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