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Messages - drkucho

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Support / Re: Extra transparent border in atlas?
« on: December 09, 2014, 03:36:57 pm »
missing this feature as well here, it would be great if tk2d next version have this in mind

i finally made my own hack, but i still have to create the image with extra pixels, what my hack does is to trim each sprite leaving 1 extra pixel on each border, not sure if that is what unicorn proposed to do for hacking it.

thanks i just subscribed to that thread

Support / Adjustable Trimming, suggestion or help to get tk2d code modified
« on: December 05, 2014, 07:39:34 pm »

im using small sprites with bilinear filter so the sprite, once its zoomed in a 4x zoom camera all pixels of the sprite get a very nice blur fx that it is a must in my game in order to get an old tv effect

the only problem is that i have to disable trimming in order to get this blur to work right, otherwise the pixels of the borders of the sprite won't get this blur fx, i guess this sharp border happens because the texture finishes there and have no extra space to blur out, so what i do is to create sprites in photoshop with 1 extra transparent pixel line on the top, bottom , left and right and disable trimming in tk2d sprite collection.

that works, nevertheless... it's long to explain but this issue its slowing down a lot my sprite creation process, i would go 10x faster if i could create sprite sheets with a big grid size and and plenty extra transparent area around them and then let tk2d sprite sheet importer to trim the unused area away BUT leaving 1 extra pixel margin so the bilinear filter can blur the borders properly.

im looking in the tk2d code to see if i find the trimming function ... but no luck so far

thanks in advance !

Support / making sprite collider to be trigger
« on: October 08, 2014, 12:20:52 am »
hi again , i have googled this but could not find anything

im using the sprite collection's collider feature, but , i need it to be trigger collider , how can i make tk2d to create these frame colliders in my game object but with the isTrigger value true?

Support / Re: How to Bright/Contrast/Saturate sprites
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:56:33 pm »
lit for light ,  damn , i should have seen that , thanks.

Support / Re: How to Bright/Contrast/Saturate sprites
« on: October 04, 2014, 12:04:58 am »
OMG i just found the big amount of shaders on the asset store. that's wonderful , i probably will look and get one of those, i don't really want to get dirty learning shaders coding for now.

just one more question, is there any difference between the sprite/Default and Diffuse shaders of unity and your BlendVertexColor , i know that Sprites/Difusse shader gets affected by light but not Sprites/Default , and seems that BlendVertexColor is also not affected by light .... ?

sorry to ask probably dummy questions but i come from 16 bit era coding, I had no idea about all these 3D things such as shaders, textures, lighting  other than what i am learning since i jumped into unity + tk2d2

Support / How to Bright/Contrast/Saturate sprites
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:26:04 am »

Im looking for a way to change bright/color/saturate values on my sprites inside unity, i really don't understand much about shaders, just the basic theory but don't know how to program them , i think editing these parameters should be something very common needed so there must be a solution already done... i would say ...

is there a way do to this? or any tutorial about how to program your shaders?

thanks in advance

Showcase / Re: Ghosts'n DJ's
« on: September 09, 2014, 10:14:28 am »
thanks lol

Support / Sprite Scale Z
« on: September 06, 2014, 05:16:35 pm »
hello !

is tk2dsprite scale.z used for anything? i thought it could be there just for compatibility with unity vector3 scale but not really being used for anything, if this is true i plan to use this value for my own purposes.

please let me know.

Support / Re: Camera Overrides, broken link
« on: June 05, 2014, 07:48:06 pm »
thanks for the advice, i try to keep my code to the minimum to avoid to complicate myself with too much stuff, its my first project so ...

but ill keep your words in mind if the resolution thing gets messed up again

Support / Re: Camera Overrides, broken link
« on: June 05, 2014, 12:41:10 pm »
its fixed, the problem comes from the fact unity stores the last resolution used in the a file containing some user specific preferences such as screen resolution and others

you set the screen resolution un unity/edit/playerSettings the first time you build and its cool, you do it once the game has been run at least once and it does not make any change cause the game will pick the resolution from this file, this is not so smart unity guys :-)

this is what i did

delete that file

put this code in one of my scripts

function OnApplicationQuit(){
   PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode");
   PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("Screenmanager Resolution Height");
   PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("Screenmanager Resolution Width");

run again

Support / Re: Camera Overrides, broken link
« on: June 05, 2014, 12:14:44 pm »
look what i have found : this is a unity preference file , that it was on the my mac library/preferences folder , its called unity.Dr. Kucho!.Ghosts'n DJs.plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
   <key>Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode</key>
   <key>Screenmanager Resolution Height</key>
   <key>Screenmanager Resolution Width</key>

that could explain no matter what i do the game always go 1280 x 960 , but funny thing is i delete this file and it is self created again as soon as i do a new build, no idea where is unity getting those screen settings, now i have 1024 x 768 but it doesn't matter, it keeps on going 1280 x 960 , im starting to laugh on this better than trowing myself trough the window LOL

im gonna ask on unity forums , but if you have any ideas i would welcome them

Support / Re: Camera Overrides, broken link
« on: June 05, 2014, 10:21:44 am »
ok , if tk2d camera does not set any resolution, at least i know that this mess is coming from unity itself, ill do more tests

Support / Re: Camera Overrides, broken link
« on: June 05, 2014, 09:22:11 am »
some more info , im using 

edit/project settings/Player/Default is Full Screen --> Off
edit/project settings/Player/Resolution dialog --> Disabled

and when i build the game and run it insist on going full screen alone, even having that setting OFF , and also it goes to a resolution that is not on the player settings nor on the tk2d camera

i revised my code there is no Screen.SetResolution statement anywhere , i experimented with this a few builds back but now is deleted , so i really don't know whats going on

probably you won't be able to know whats happening from there, but any idea of what to try? also some clarifying about how all those resolution settings on tk2d camera and player settings should be used would be welcomed

Support / Re: Camera Overrides, broken link
« on: June 05, 2014, 12:49:39 am »
i googled 2d tool kit camera and end up on one page that was working but then that link inside it was not , in fact if i go to
http://2dtoolkit.com/docs/latest/tutorial/tk2dcamera.html and then scroll down to the Overrrides section , the link on there to the reference page is the same link i was clicking and still don't work

so that link to the reference page is the class reference page , ok , but i was expecting to get more tutorial kind of info, i really don't understand all the resolutions here and there

i am messing with these

tk2d camera native resolution
tk2d camera preview resolution

i had no trouble at start cause i set all those to the same values, 1280x960

but now in my new monitor my game is starting to do crazy stuff with the resolutions so i am experimenting and im completely lost, i change the default width/height on unity player settings and does ..... nothing?

and the creziest thing, i have tk2d camera to 800x600 , unity player settings to 1344x1008 and the game starts at 1280x960 ... what da hell is going on here?

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