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Messages - edb

Pages: [1] 2 3
Support / UILayout and textmeshes
« on: October 24, 2019, 08:03:41 pm »
Quick question - can tk2dUILayout resize a tk2dTextMesh?  It gets repositioned but the size/scale remains the same. 

The UIDemo #2 does not show an example doing this, all the textmeshes remain the same size when the LayoutDemo gameobject resizes.  Assuming it's not possible to resize but asking to make sure. 

Support / Sprite Effects/Shaders
« on: December 05, 2017, 10:06:09 pm »
I'm researching what different effects are available to apply to a tk2d Sprite.
Stuff like outlining, glows, shaders, etc.

There’s some nifty looking shader tools on the Asset Store (Shader Weaver, Amplify.)
Does anybody know if these will work with 2D Toolkit? 


Support / Re: Changes to tk2dcamera in Editor not saving
« on: October 23, 2016, 05:55:05 pm »
Posted a project in private support.

Support / Re: Changes to tk2dcamera in Editor not saving
« on: October 17, 2016, 02:45:55 pm »
Tk2d 2.5.6.  Unity 5.4.1f.

Support / Changes to tk2dcamera in Editor not saving
« on: October 13, 2016, 03:34:43 pm »
I'm using Unity 5.4.1f1 and noticed that changes I make to parameters in a tk2dcamera component in the Unity editor aren't being saved. 

You can test this by loading the tk2d demo scene "11 - camera and alignment" and make some changes to some parameters in the tk2dcamera.  It seems like the changes aren't causing the scene to be marked dirty.  If you toggle the tk2dcamera component off/on, though, the scene then seems to marked dirty.

Any workarounds?  Thanks.

Ok - I was able to fix this problem by starting the scene with the tk2ClippedSprite in the Unity editor checked on to be visible/active.   The problem was happening when the scene started with it off/invisible.

I'm tracking down stuff in the Profiler and noticed that something was creating unreferenced meshes in the Memory/Detailed/Not Saved/Mesh section.
These meshes don't seem to be ever get deleted.  I've traced it back to when I change the color of a tk2dClippedSprite with the statement theSprite.color = theColor
That in turn calls tk2dClippedSprite/UpdateColorsImpl(), which then calls Build(), and in Build() it seems is where the stray mesh is created.

I know tk2dClippedSprite is the culprit because in the Build() function of the tk2dClippedSprite I did a test with mesh.name = "Stray Mesh";  and the Profiler
showed extra stray meshes that never get deleted with those names being created every time I entered my scene.

Any ideas?  I'm on Unity 4.7.2. and 2d Toolkit 2.5.0.  Thanks.

I'm looking for options on how to get my game's installed on disk size on iOS smaller.  Currently the best I've found is using tk2d atlases saved as PNGs, which results in 195MB. On Android, I get a 69MB apk (using atlases saved as Unity Textures.)

I was hoping that Unity 5.3 was going to compress your player data folder, but it looks like they've changed that - now you have to be using AssetBundles to get that compression.  Is it feasible to use AssetBundles with tk2d?  I'm also using 1x2x4x platforms, if that complicates things.

They claim to be adding support to compress the player data folder in the future...maybe I should wait for that?

Support / Unity 5.3 LZ4 compression and Tk2d
« on: November 05, 2015, 03:41:05 pm »
Is Tk2d going to work with the Unity 5.3 LZ4 compression stuff?

I've got my Tk2d SpriteCollections set up as PNG atlases to cut down on the installed size of my game.  It'd be nice to be able to keep them as Unity texture atlases (if the LZ4 compression stuff works as I hope and compresses them on disk.)

Releases / Re: 2D Toolkit 2.5.4
« on: August 09, 2015, 10:03:42 pm »
+1 for crunch texture support

Support / tk2dUIManager.Update() GC Allocs
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:59:02 pm »
I'm profiling my game on an Android tablet and found some GC Allocs of 56B in tk2dUIManager.Update() whenever I touched the screen.

I traced it down to tk2dUiManager/CheckInputs() and this call:

      foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)

I changed it to:

        for (int i=0;  i<Input.touchCount;  i++)
          Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(i);

and that made the GC Allocs go away.

Support / Re: tk2dStaticSpriteBatcher - change a tk2dBatchedSprite
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:05:26 pm »
Ok - thanks!

Support / tk2dStaticSpriteBatcher - change a tk2dBatchedSprite
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:23:17 am »
I'm optimizing some stuff and giving the tk2dStaticSpriteBatcher a try.
I've got some dynamically created sprites that never need to move, rotate or scale, so I'm gonna
put those in a tk2dStaticSpriteBatcher, but they do need to occasionally change color.

Can you change the color of a tk2dBatchedSprite?  Or change the material of a tk2dBatchedSprite?
If so, how do ya do it?


Support / Re: Dithered 16Bit_No Alpha - what happens to the alpha?
« on: March 23, 2015, 01:40:35 am »
Ok - thanks!

Support / Re: Dithered 16Bit_No Alpha - what happens to the alpha?
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:38:03 pm »
I did a test on the profiler on an Android device - it said the sprite collection with Dithered 16Bit_No Alpha was 2MB.  As a test I changed that sprite Collection to uncompressed - it was 4MB in the profiler. 

So if I'm getting the benefits of half of the memory size of RGBA8888, 565 colors + dithered, AND an alpha channel, then that's awesome! 

Am I missing some negative thing here?

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