I have been trying to figure out how I would go about displaying each sprite kept within a sprite collection on a custom editor window. I've tried using the tk2dSpriteCollectionData.textures route but that just shows the one texture for all the sprites as one image. I want to display each sprite by themselves and was wanting to figure out how to do so.
I could think of how I would need to get the location within the atlas but I wouldn't know how to go about doing so. So if any of you could send me in the right direction that would be absolutely amazing and I would greatly appreciate that!
So I've done a little bit of looking around both on the forum and in the SpriteCollection Data object and found out how I can possibly do this. I would need to get the x and y cord for the sprite based on the texture and then turn that into its separate texture2D with GetPixels and use that. The only problem is I can't figure out where the x/y cord is stored. I read something about using the UVs but I don't understand how I would go about using those as they're some, seemingly, unusable float that doesn't point to anything I need.
So I guess the new question is how I would go about finding the x/y cord of the top left most corner of the sprite using the data stored withing tk2dSpriteCollectionData.spriteCollection.