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Author Topic: 1.92 beta 1 - ApplicationException: Unable to find a suitable compiler  (Read 9302 times)


  • 2D Toolkit
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I tested 1.92 beta 1 and its clipping feature in a fresh unity project without any problems. However if I update the tk2d package in my real project to 19.2beta1 I get the following console errors:

Code: [Select]
ApplicationException: Unable to find a suitable compiler
UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilers.CreateCompilerInstance (MonoIsland island, Boolean buildingForEditor, BuildTarget targetPlatform) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Editor/Mono/Scripting/ScriptCompilers.cs:99)

Failed to create compiler instance

I am upgrading to 1.92beta1 from 1.91final.

What I already tried:
- Restarting Unity after upgrade.
- Delete the TK2DROOT before installing the update.
- Finding "ScriptCompilers.cs" (doesn't exist on my system).
- Google solution: Delete any compiled assets
- Google solution: Delete UnityEngine.dll in project

Any more ideas?


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What version are you updating from?


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Also, what version of Unity are you using?


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Unity 4.0.0f7 Professional trial

1.91final  to  1.92beta1

Its not the very newest "fixed for unity 4.1" 1.91final.

I managed to update now. I had to reimport all assets. Fortunately my project ist not too big yet. I read it can take hours. But this solved it for me. Probably you should make a "how to upgrade tk2d" post and put the "re-import assets" as possible solution to compiler related upgrade errors.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 12:08:41 pm by m4ko »


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This is the first time I've heard of this issue.
Never had to reimport everything to get it to work before....

I'm hoping its a one off, but otherwise its very likely to be a Unity issue.


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If you still have a backup of the broken one, could you try right clicking on the TK2DROOT folder and Reimport that entire folder? Does that help?


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Rightclick and "Reimport" on the TK2DROOT folder didn't work. Still the same compiler error. Tried multiple times.

"Reimport all" works every time (tried 3 times). Did it again for you as I have a backup from just before the upgrade.

When the project is broken the Project and Hierarchy "tk2d" extensions are gone. The top menu (where the "About" is and the "Rebuild Index" etc) is still there. But there is only one entry: Setup for JavaScript

I also tried to "Reimport" several other folders like the sprite collection folder. But nothing works except "Reimport all".


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Can you try and create a repro case for me? Delete as much as you can from outside the tk2droot folder, and hopefully this still happens. If its possible, I'll take a look, and if need be submit a bug report to Unity.
Edit: if possible, use support at unikronsoftware.com


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Hm. I am not sure anymore what causes it. I was working on my live project. I "Hflip"ped some sprites and suddenly I get the compiler error. Nothing worked until I reimport again. Strange. I even reinstalled Unity and restarted multiple times.

I can reproduce it when upgrading but it seems to be able to happen while working too. Maybe there is something horribly broken on my end.