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Author Topic: New Run-Time Graphing Plugin for 2dTK - NGraph  (Read 24106 times)


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New Run-Time Graphing Plugin for 2dTK - NGraph
« on: February 05, 2014, 02:32:50 am »
Hello everyone.  This is a shameless plug for a plugin I released to the Asset Store.  It allows you to put dynamic graphs right into your game.  It gives an API to dynamically change the data, colors, styles, etc, etc.  I'm sure you won't lack for options with the amount of configurability this plugin gives you.

Asset Store: http://u3d.as/5QL
Documentation: http://www.niugnepsoftware.com/ngraph

Let me know if you want any more information and I am always interested in making it a better product if you have input,

New in Version 1.3.0:
[NEW] Grid lines!  You can now effect grid lines via the custom Inspector or programatically.
      Options exist for:
      - Grid line separation (in both the x and y directions)
      - Grid line thickness
      - Grid line color

New in Version 1.2.0:
[FIX] Plots now constrained to plot area (values lower and higher than the plot area will not draw).
[NEW] Equations!!! An Equation Plot type has been added.  Most functions are sported - sin, cos, tan, log, ln, PI, E, etc.
[NEW] 2D Tool Kit GUI system support.
[NEW] Reveal speed added.
[NEW] 2DTK, NGUI and Daikon Forge graph types all have sported editor customizations - this makes it much easier to change the look and feel of the graph from the editor.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 09:55:02 pm by etoreo »


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Re: New Run-Time Graphing Plugin for 2dTK - NGraph
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 10:59:37 pm »
I have updated the asset to support data labels!  These labels will draw at the correct spot on the graph and includes a callback so that you can make any final changes to the label style.
[FIX] Daikon Forge callbacks now use correct types in callbacks.
[FIX] Daikon Forge panels that have their enabled or visible property set will now correctly affect the graph.
[NEW] Data labels can now be added to any series using “addDataLabel(…)”

The asset can be found here:


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Re: New Run-Time Graphing Plugin for 2dTK - NGraph
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2014, 05:21:48 pm »
Bug fix update now available on the Asset Store!

[FIX] NGUI v3.5.3 compatibility fixes.
[FIX] When Window size changes, graphs now behave correctly.


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Re: New Run-Time Graphing Plugin for 2dTK - NGraph
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2014, 09:53:33 pm »
Version 1.3.0 is out with Grid Lines support!
[NEW] Grid lines!  You can now effect grid lines via the custom Inspector or programatically.
      Options exist for:
      - Grid line separation (in both the x and y directions)
      - Grid line thickness
      - Grid line color


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Re: New Run-Time Graphing Plugin for 2dTK - NGraph
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2014, 07:45:54 pm »
Graph Master 2.0.0 has been released!
Most notable in this release is support for the new Unity GUI in 4.6.

[NEW] Renamed asset to "Graph Master".
[NEW] uGUI Supported!  The new native Unity 4.6 GUI is now supported out-of-the-box.
[NEW] All margins (bottom, left, top, and right) are now configurable in size.
[FIX] Some components of the graph would draw in the wrong order after a re-size or other change in properties. Drawing order is now preserved.
[FIX] Reveal option on plots now finish correctly and show entire plot.
[FIX] Markers now behave correctly with reveal option.
[UPDATE] Width and Height options now available in the creation dialog.
[CHECK] NGUI v3.7.5 confirmed to work with this release.
[CHECK] Daikon Forge v1.0.16 hf1 confirmed to work with this release.
[CHECK] 2D Toolkit v2.5 confirmed to work with this release.
[NOTE] This will the the last update with Daikon Forge support.  The Daikon Forge team has been discontinued their asset, so we will no longer support it.

The asset can be found here: