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Author Topic: Spine Modifying Skins  (Read 6609 times)


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Spine Modifying Skins
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:42:51 pm »
I'm utilizing Spine to create animations in Unity with tk2d. I can successfully get the animation to import and all the animations to run, but I had a few questions:

1) To change the sorting layer, do I need to add a tk2dSprite component to the game object?

To add the spine animation into the scene, I'm going to Create->Spine SkeletonAnimation. There is no spine selections in Create -> tk2d like some of the tutorials I've watched, so not sure if there should be and I did something wrong in the setup. Though everything works when I just do Create -> Spine SkeletonAnimation, but I can't change the sorting layer without adding a tk2dSprite. Just making sure there isn't another way.

2) What's the best way to go about changing individual pieces of an object's skin? For example, the artist sent me two different hair types for the character, though everything else is the same. When I look at the json txt file, in the Skins section, it says:

      "Hair": {
         "Male Hair": { "name": "Healer/Healer_0002_Group-27", "x": 53.1, "y": 72.37, "rotation": -0.44, "width": 74, "height": 54 },
         "Female Hair": { "name": "Healer/Healer_0003_Group-21", "x": 44.06, "y": 49.66, "rotation": -0.44, "width": 97, "height": 74 }

I've done a lot of digging and couldn't find any tutorials or guides/examples on an easy way to swap out just the hair skins. What's the best way to go about changing this character's hair?

3) I'm using 1X & 2X graphics to support SD & HD. Will that work with spine animations? I've tried using the 1X & 2X feature in sprite collections, but it doesn't set the material automatically on the SkeletonAnimation. The material gets set to None. When I click "Reload" in the Skeleton Animation script in the inspector, then it updates the material to the proper resolution material. Is there a way to automate this so it changes the material automatically?

4) I have a single skeleton/animation in Spine with many many skins. Eventually, I'm not going to be able to fit all the skins into a single Atlas. I tried creating separate atlases, but then was getting errors from the JSON file saying it couldn't find all the sprites because they weren't all in one atlas. Is there a way to include multiple atlases for all the skins?

Thanks again!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 09:03:03 pm by Thyran »


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Re: Spine Modifying Skins
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 02:27:27 pm »
Hey, just checking to see if anyone had a chance to glance at this and if there was any insight.

Thanks! :)


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Re: Spine Modifying Skins
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2014, 10:10:31 pm »
1 - you'll need a script to expose the sorting order property on the renderer.

Don't know about the rest, I don't use Spine...


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Re: Spine Modifying Skins
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2014, 11:50:58 pm »
Okay thanks!