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Author Topic: Setting TextMesh's text makes it disappear  (Read 3219 times)


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Setting TextMesh's text makes it disappear
« on: April 07, 2014, 11:53:47 pm »
UPDATE: It's resolved. It doesn't seem to work properly if the text mesh is set to update its text upon global events. But it works if you directly modify the text from another object, without sending an event.

So I decided to give Playmaker a shot and i'm trying to change the text of a tk2dTextMesh in runtime, using a "tk2d Text Mesh Set Text" action. But it works ONLY if I check "Everyframe", otherwise the text simply disappears.

Not changing anything else (color, scale, etc) than the text. And I've checked "Commit".

I've used the same action to set the initial values without problem, so I'm sort of confused about what's happening...

« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 12:37:26 pm by griden »