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Author Topic: scripting work for a series of mini games (paid work)  (Read 22588 times)


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scripting work for a series of mini games (paid work)
« on: July 10, 2014, 09:35:16 pm »
Paid freelance work, immediate start, potential for regular jobs in the future.

Attention all c#/unity/2d toolkit scripting experts.  I have been tasked to make a series of minigames for an educational company which are used to reward students completion of lessons.  I am an artist as my primary role and have made good progress with unity, but have hit several walls when it comes to a good enough understanding of scripts for many potential and essential game elements/features.  This is where you come in.

I will pay pre-agreed amounts per script/feature you assist with.  I will basically give you enough information and details of what I want to accomplish, you tell how much you will do the work for OR tell me approximately how long it will take to complete and ill offer a fee which will be promptly paid via paypal upon completion after implementation and testing.  This will free up my time for level design, artwork, sounds etc and greatly expedite my game making.

As an idea of the kind of things I need (easy to experienced scriptwriters)...

Current Issues/Jobs, all c#.

  • I have a scoring system, I wish to end a level using a countdown timer/possibly in the form of a progress bar, then the score carry forward to the next stage.  Then after several stages the level/area is complete and the final score sent to both an in-game highscore table, and also a text file for external high score calling which our website backend developer will utilise for global highscores.
  • I have a game in which I want a timer in the corner, the time increasing, complete the level as fast as possible, then this be converted into a score, then sent to both an in-game highscore table, and also a text file for external high score calling which our website backend developer will utilise for global highscores.
  • I already have prefab enemies appearing (whack a mole) of 2 or more types, I already set score earned/lost via the inspector, I need the enemies to be randomised for greater difficulty.
  • I have a map to select levels, I want tooltips to appear next to the cursor OR in a fixed location text box when levels are hovered over.
  • (Not as important at the moment) I would like all the games optimising for android and ios as well as PC and Mac where possible/appropriate

There will be LOTS more work as this is just the immediate issues I need sorting for the two games currently in development, I will be making an indefinite amount of games, so I am looking for a long-term relationship with a reliable, honest scripter.

Obviously, confidentiality is essential and any breach of this will be taken seriously and acted upon. Sorry thats a bit heavy, but it should go without saying really.

And remember, good, fast, quality work WILL lead to a lot more work as I have a long list of game ideas to work through which is being added to regularly and are all on the to-do list.

thanks   ;D

Illustrator, artist, 3D designer, 3D renders, Game developer.

Working for EDLounge.com (e-learning platform) Improve attendance, Enhance Pupil Premium, Gain Qualifications, Address Whole School Issues.