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Messages - robertwahler

Pages: [1]
This is happening to me too. I just updated to Unity 4.5.2, it doesn't happen in Unity 4.3.  I'm going to have to roll back to Unity 4.3 because some sprites are missing and the "Mesh Filter" says "None" only on the missing sprites. If I change any sprite property, the sprite shows up again until I press the run button.  Pressing the run button make the sprites disappear again.

Everything works fine if I create a standalone build. The problem only shows up in the editor.

I just emailed support a sample project with the error. Thanks for your help.

It happens switching between any of l the platforms I use, PC/Mac, Android, and iOS.  I get more or less errors depending on what is in the current scene in the editor. If I switch platforms with a blank scene open, I get no errors. 

If I examine the Mesh Renderer component on any of my tk2dTextMeshes, I can see the the Material looks wrong. Instead of saying atlas0 material, I see something like tk2dInternal$.Material_Stones@1x_atlast0 material.  The name of my sprite collection is 'Stones'.  I guess that the file association has been broken in all my text prefabs?  Rebuilding the sprite collection doesn't fix the issue. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.


Could someone help me trouble shoot this error message?  I get dozens on these errors when switching platforms in "build settings".  Stack trace is below.  The errors started when I updated 2d Toolkit to 2.4.0. The error doesn't seem to prevent the game from running. Everything works fine but I'd like to understand the issue. Thanks!

Here is the full stack trace:

Fatal error - font from sprite collection is has an invalid material
tk2dFontData:Init() (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Fonts/tk2dFontData.cs:152)
tk2dFontData:get_inst() (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Fonts/tk2dFontData.cs:130)
tk2dTextMesh:InitInstance() (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Fonts/tk2dTextMesh.cs:376)
tk2dTextMesh:DoNotUse__CommitInternal() (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Fonts/tk2dTextMesh.cs:624)
tk2dUpdateManager:QueueCommit(tk2dTextMesh) (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Runtime/tk2dUpdateManager.cs:30)
tk2dTextMesh:SetNeedUpdate(UpdateFlags) (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Fonts/tk2dTextMesh.cs:252)
tk2dTextMesh:Init(Boolean) (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Fonts/tk2dTextMesh.cs:528)
tk2dTextMesh:ForceBuild() (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Fonts/tk2dTextMesh.cs:755)
tk2dTextMesh:OnEnable() (at Assets/Vendor/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Fonts/tk2dTextMesh.cs:415)

Support / Re: A very large background... how would you approach to it?
« on: March 15, 2014, 02:00:54 pm »
Is sprite from texture just for use at runtime?  I tried creating background prefabs using sprite from texture but it leaves a sprite collection in the scene and I'm not sure how to go about reusing a component composed using sprite from texture. Are there some examples I've missed?  Thanks.

Support / Re: Making levels with objects
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:35:51 pm »
I think what grayger is asking about is a tool like the Tiled (tmx file) editor.  It has object layers as well as tile layers.  Objects can be placed anywhere regardless of the grid square positions. In other game frameworks, you can load multiple tmx files containing both tile layers and objects and only have one "scene" in your game.

I am rather new to Unity and 2D Toolkit. I'm assuming that to get the same functionality in Unity, you could use multiple scenes and treat Unity (rather than Tiled) as your level editor.

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