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Topics - unikronsoftware

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Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.76 final + patch 1
« on: July 31, 2012, 02:50:43 pm »
Bugfix: Playing a clip with "Single" after "Looped" sometimes caused newly played animation to not play.
Bugfix: WarpClipToTime was being called with time in incorrect space. Fixed and renamed function to be more descriptive.

Bugfix: There was a mismatched BeginVertical causing issues with certain versions of Unity

Merged preview feature (tk2dCamera v3)

Bugfix: Invalid material picked when switching to font within sprite collection.

Showcase / Pocket Cars
« on: July 24, 2012, 11:19:24 pm »

Showcase / ORC Vengeance, Action RPG for iOS
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:28:52 am »

ORC Vengeance by http://www.bigcavegames.com/ uses 2D Toolkit among other Unity plugins.

Unity forum announcement:

Chillingo product page:

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.76 final
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:45:33 pm »
Bugfix: The Play(id) variants weren't correctly registering the current clipId.

Releases / Get notified when a new update is posted.
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:10:22 pm »
If you'd like an email notification every time a new release is posted, simply click Notify on the "Releases" forum. You'll get an email every time a new topic is posted.

Here's a screenshot in case its not obvious where it is.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.76 beta 2
« on: July 13, 2012, 11:33:07 pm »

SetFrame wasn't working when first initialised
SetFrame trigger is now optional, defaults to previous behaviour
Sprite grouping bug

Number of grouped animation frames is now an option
Resizeable sprite collection list & inspector

Clear mesh on Init() - fixes errors when maxChars is changed at runtime.
TexelSize stored in font, version incremented (required for word wrap)

Clear spawned instances before ForceBuilding (fixes bug with duplicate prefab instances being spawned)
Create a color channel in the brush preview mesh, fixes bug with random tinting in inspector
Empty tile selection bug fixed

Removed tk2dCG.cginc - causing pink triangles when user had moved TK2D from default install directory

Started distributing as both a full package and a source only package without demos / docs. Let me know if this is useful - I might do this moving forward if it helps.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.76 beta 1
« on: July 05, 2012, 12:00:38 am »
TILEMAP: renderData mirrors tileMap transform
BUGFIX: Animated sprites, loads of bugfixes, refactored internals
BUGFIX: Unity 3.5.3 no longer requires intertia tensor hack, correctly disabled in 3.5.3 and not older versions
BUGFIX: Sprites in prefabs correctly update live instances
TK2DCAMERA: Massively improved scaling correction modes
TK2DCAMERA: Improved interface
BUGFIX: Merged CG shaders branch. All default shaders now have CG counterparts.

I won't be adding any more features to 1.76, only further bugfix betas if necessary - need this out as soon as possible so I can get 1.8 merged and released. Any help testing would be greatly appreciated.

As usual the version should be 100% backwards compatible, but please still backup before upgrading. I've started marking redundant functions as obsolete, and you should see warnings while compiling in Unity - I'm going to be doing this a lot more going forward.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.75 final
« on: June 24, 2012, 09:58:30 pm »
1.75 final

A few more bugfixes
BUGFIX: Poly collider editor fixed
BUGFIX: CreateCollider reverts to UpdateCollider when the game is running in editor
BUGFIX: A few more usability fixes
BUGFIX: AnimatedSprite.StopAndResetFrame() stops the currently playing animation and resets to frame 0
BUGFIX: Thumbnail not displayed when sprite collection is missing
BUGFIX: Sprite collection data object inherits the name of the editor object, instead of defaulting to "data"

EDIT: Fixed incorrect upload

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.75 beta 4
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:53:37 am »
Hopefully the final beta. More bugfixes and usability improvements.

- Group animations now defaults to off
- AddComponent bugfix, wasn't working when spriteId was 0
- Reset max allowed missing in "AutoFill"
- Process animation events AFTER setting frame - this fixes the case where the anim is stopped in the event
- Display selected tile name in tilemap editor (only when one tile is selected)
- Index wasn't getting reset properly
- Minor animation editor usability improvements

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.75 beta 3
« on: June 11, 2012, 11:12:38 pm »

BUGFIX: Animation editor now has an "Add frame" button. Necessary when frames are grouped
ANIMATION: "Autofill" looks for 10 subsequent frames so it will fill even when frames are missing
SPRITE: Sprite positions are no longer "tweaked" for the calcinertia bug when running in Unity 3.5
SPRITECOLLECTIONEDITOR: Handle UI cases for disallowed combinations (eg. fonts in sprite collections with spanning enabled)
SPRITECOLLECTIONEDITOR: Dice and Custom geometry merged into a "Render Mesh" dropdown.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.75 beta 2
« on: June 09, 2012, 10:48:13 pm »
Loads of bug fixes, and a few features.

BUGFIX: assembly GetTypes() failing in some cases with other installed assemblies
BUGFIX: Static sprite batcher does normals and tangents
BUGFIX: Lit shaders had tags in incorrect place
BUGFIX: Sped up sprite collection sprite sheet viewer
FEATURE: Display sprite id in sprite collection editor
BUGFIX: Sprite sheet splitter works better, and allows non-existant margins on far end
BUGFIX: Fixed static sprite batcher positioning
BUGFIX: Polygon collider triangles aligned using axis and direction for easy welding in tilemap editor
BUGFIX: Padding warning is displayed in sprite sheet import to make it obvious it should be set one way or another for different scenarios.

ANIMATION: Cleaned up animation editor, and added ability to set number of frames to play a particular sprite.
ANIMATION: Animation events fixed, so missed frames still trigger events.
TILEMAP: TMX import, only imports tilemap data, but works with layers and BIG maps, all automatically partitioned.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.75 beta 1
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:46:48 pm »
There may be bugs in the tilemap editor, it has had large changes in there. Please backup before updating.

TILEMAP: Layer visibility
TILEMAP: Preliminary support for isometric tilemaps (paving the way for hex tilemaps)
TILEMAP: Support for overlapped rectangle tilemaps
TILEMAP: Settings panel UI improvements

BUGFIX: Font in sprite collection works when inserted in empty sprite collection
BUGFIX: Confirm deleting sprites rather than deleting them automatically
BUGFIX: Sliced sprite now detects manually added box colliders
BUGFIX: tk2dCamera UI tidy up, shows current camera resolution
BUGFIX: tk2dCameraAnchor checks before updating position, used to break serialization
BUGFIX: Texture in sprite collection editor is displayed offset into the window to make it easier to pick edge points
BUGFIX: Register undo after creating all objects

FEATURE: Allow drag and drop entire directories of textures into sprite collection editor.
FEATURE: tk2dBaseSprite.AddComponent generic function to add a sprite component to a gameobject, will set things up correctly. Use this instead of AddComponent(typeof(tk2dSprite))
FEATURE: tk2dSprite.AddComponent and tk2dAnimatedSprite.AddComponent to add sprite components
FEATURE: Cutout shaders for alpha cutout
FEATURE: Moving points in sprite collection editor displays coordinate in status bar
FEATURE: Option to disable trimming per sprite

STATICSPRITEBATCHER: Saves and restores hierarchy of sprites

OTHER: Updated and consolidated all credits for external art assets used into credits.txt in the demo folder.

Known issues with isometric tilemaps
- Rectangle dragging selection selects in normal coordinates and not isometric coordinates.
- Color painting is broken with iso tilemaps
- Edged painting doesn't work, probably will need to disable it while in iso mode
- There will be a sorting error at tilemap chunk boundaries. There is a fix but it isn't ready yet. In the mean time, if possible, use the cutout shaders.

Support / 2D Toolkit tutorial in AssetStore newsletter
« on: May 19, 2012, 07:54:28 pm »
We have a tutorial in the May Asset Store newsletter titled "Sprite Optimizations using 2D Toolkit". Its a walkthrough covering sprite dicing, custom sprite shapes and multiple materials, well worth a look if you haven't tried these features already.


This is most like caused by bilinear interpolation into black zero-alpha regions. You can fix it by switching "Pad method" to "Extend" in the sprite collection editor.

Support / MOVED: Font transparency
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:45:26 am »

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