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Topics - unikronsoftware

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Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.90 beta 1
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:35:06 pm »
As with all beta releases, exercise caution when upgrading. Make sure you have a back up!

- New sprite animation editor. You can preview animations and it has a really flexible plugin system. Data is (should be) 100% compatible.
- Documentation isn't done yet but I expect it to be in the next few days.

Bugfixes and improvements:
- New sprite thumbnail cache system, much much more efficient and doesn't care or use source images even in the inspector.
- Runtime sprite collection warns when shader is inaccessible (due to not being in resources) instead of displaying a black quad
- Script execution order. All tk2d scripts execute early, hopefully earlier than any user scripts. Avoids ambiguity and situations where awake happens after user script awakening causing nasty runtime issues.
- "1:1" fix, wasn't working in certain situations
- tk2dCamera has internal zoomScale which can be used to zoom into the screen
- tk2dIndex copes with uncommitted fonts
- tk2dTextMesh InitDictionary bugfix
- Material id corrected with multiple atlases
- Runtime sprite collection code creates unset collider instead of None.
- Creating a new tk2dCamera will set camera.main if one doesn't exist already.
- Collidertype is Unset by default instead of None.
- Fixed tangent generation for sprites.
- Shaders use float texcoord instead of half, fixes a filtering/precision issues on iOS (PVR)
- Blank sprite / animation names not displayed in the selection popup
- When creating and deleting entries in a sprite collection, surplus files are deleted instead of being orphaned, eg. creating and deleting a font will delete the font prefabs.
- Error when sprite collection is in a resources directory, warn when sprite source textures are in a resources directory.
- Physically double sided sprite option instead of relying on a double sided shader.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.80 + patch 3
« on: November 16, 2012, 10:00:26 pm »
Some bugfixes

Features and changelist. Changes in this update in italics.
Unity 3.5 and above only
Renamed collider types (ForceNone instead of None, UserDefined instead of Unset). Makes a lot more sense.
All mesh leaks plugged, hopefully.
Sprite collection settings page tidied up, added a lot more texture options.
Massive memory saving with large animations (there was a constant overhead, which is now fixed).
New tk2dSystem feature, manages platforms and resources.
Sprite collection can be made loadable - this uses the tk2dSystem resource loading feature, and doesn't need files moved to different locations. The sprite collection can also be loaded by GUID at runtime.
Sprite collections are sorted by name in inspector
Internal data upgrade, slowly moving away from legacy cruft (hopefully still backwards compatible). A message is printed out when sprite collections are upgraded.
Animated sprite bugfix, calling play from an event works.
Runtime sprite collection stuff integrated, use tk2dSprite.CreateFromTexture or tk2dSpriteCollectionData.CreateFromTexture
Switch platfroms in editor in the preferences page. Sprite collections and fonts which have platform data will switch when this is changed.
Sprite collections don't use mipmaps by default.
And loads more small fixes
Unity 4 fixes. Should now work properly with no warnings.
Auto build fixed, and also work for sprite collections with platform specific data. Only the affected sprite collection is rebuilt.
Formatted text implementation, now as it should be. This isn't 100% compatible with the previous version if text is entered in the interface, line breaks may be incorrect, but should be 100% compatible if updated using code.
Fonts in sprite collections try to pick up texture name from bmfont file
Font builder works correctly without requiring renamed textures - it automatically picks up the correct file from the bmfont
Materials are shared properly between sprite collections and fonts, batching should work as expected.
Platform data requirement code should be a lot more stable under weird conditions imposed by Unitys unpredictable script execution order
Fonts switch correctly when changing platform
Material overrides work, but need to be set up in the interface (i.e. new ones will work with platforms)
Fonts in sprite collections can be set up to use overriden materials
Support for gradients for fonts in sprite collection - needs a bit of manual set-up, but works
Rebuilding index will rebuild the tk2dSystem object - none of the resources should be checked in to version control
OrthoSize/texelSize set up properly for text meshes
Tilemaps work, but inefficient when switching platforms - it is vastly more efficient for now to switch platform in editor, load original scene and save scene as @2x, etc, and load the appropriate scene at runtime. Simply loading and saving in editor is sufficient.
Custom sprite geometry & custom colliders work properly.
Platforms are limited to 1x, 2x and 4x for now. More extensive customization will be available in the next release.
tk2dIndex.cs works better when upgrading from an old version
Animation editor bug, wasn't working correctly with sprite collections with platform data
Fixed tk2dSlicedSprite not working when in a prefab
tk2dBaseSprite.GetCurrentSpriteDef wasn't initializing the sprite collection instance correctly
Anchors in platform specific sprite collections were scaled incorrectly
tk2dCamera - added StretchToFit (will stretch to fit the entire screen, regardless of aspect ratio)
Refresh asset database before building - might fix orphaned font issue
Corrected offsets for font embedded in sprite collection
Vertically flipped (hiero) fonts work properly when in sprite collection
tk2dSprite functions work before being Awaked - still best practice not to call tk2dSprite functions from Awake in other scripts
TileMap Editor - right click picks up tiles
Overriding currentPlatform bugfix, now works as expected in editor
Animated sprite now has an overload to play at a different framerate to the animation
Animated sprite has a ClipFps property which can be used to change the fps while the clip is playing
tk2dCamera far clip plane fixed
Added kea's fix (kept same version number, as it hasn't been released on asset store yet, and only a limited number of people have downloaded so far)
Build for game bug - missed wrapping with #if UNITY_EDITOR
Fixed material leak when running in game with platform specific sprite collections

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.80 + patch 2
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:56:48 pm »
Some bugfixes

This build has been updated with the Kea's fix

Features and changelist. Changes in this update in italics.
Unity 3.5 and above only
Renamed collider types (ForceNone instead of None, UserDefined instead of Unset). Makes a lot more sense.
All mesh leaks plugged, hopefully.
Sprite collection settings page tidied up, added a lot more texture options.
Massive memory saving with large animations (there was a constant overhead, which is now fixed).
New tk2dSystem feature, manages platforms and resources.
Sprite collection can be made loadable - this uses the tk2dSystem resource loading feature, and doesn't need files moved to different locations. The sprite collection can also be loaded by GUID at runtime.
Sprite collections are sorted by name in inspector
Internal data upgrade, slowly moving away from legacy cruft (hopefully still backwards compatible). A message is printed out when sprite collections are upgraded.
Animated sprite bugfix, calling play from an event works.
Runtime sprite collection stuff integrated, use tk2dSprite.CreateFromTexture or tk2dSpriteCollectionData.CreateFromTexture
Switch platfroms in editor in the preferences page. Sprite collections and fonts which have platform data will switch when this is changed.
Sprite collections don't use mipmaps by default.
And loads more small fixes
Unity 4 fixes. Should now work properly with no warnings.
Auto build fixed, and also work for sprite collections with platform specific data. Only the affected sprite collection is rebuilt.
Formatted text implementation, now as it should be. This isn't 100% compatible with the previous version if text is entered in the interface, line breaks may be incorrect, but should be 100% compatible if updated using code.
Fonts in sprite collections try to pick up texture name from bmfont file
Font builder works correctly without requiring renamed textures - it automatically picks up the correct file from the bmfont
Materials are shared properly between sprite collections and fonts, batching should work as expected.
Platform data requirement code should be a lot more stable under weird conditions imposed by Unitys unpredictable script execution order
Fonts switch correctly when changing platform
Material overrides work, but need to be set up in the interface (i.e. new ones will work with platforms)
Fonts in sprite collections can be set up to use overriden materials
Support for gradients for fonts in sprite collection - needs a bit of manual set-up, but works
Rebuilding index will rebuild the tk2dSystem object - none of the resources should be checked in to version control
OrthoSize/texelSize set up properly for text meshes
Tilemaps work, but inefficient when switching platforms - it is vastly more efficient for now to switch platform in editor, load original scene and save scene as @2x, etc, and load the appropriate scene at runtime. Simply loading and saving in editor is sufficient.
Custom sprite geometry & custom colliders work properly.
Platforms are limited to 1x, 2x and 4x for now. More extensive customization will be available in the next release.
tk2dIndex.cs works better when upgrading from an old version
Animation editor bug, wasn't working correctly with sprite collections with platform data
Fixed tk2dSlicedSprite not working when in a prefab
tk2dBaseSprite.GetCurrentSpriteDef wasn't initializing the sprite collection instance correctly
Anchors in platform specific sprite collections were scaled incorrectly
tk2dCamera - added StretchToFit (will stretch to fit the entire screen, regardless of aspect ratio)
Refresh asset database before building - might fix orphaned font issue
Corrected offsets for font embedded in sprite collection
Vertically flipped (hiero) fonts work properly when in sprite collection
tk2dSprite functions work before being Awaked - still best practice not to call tk2dSprite functions from Awake in other scripts
TileMap Editor - right click picks up tiles
Overriding currentPlatform bugfix, now works as expected in editor
Animated sprite now has an overload to play at a different framerate to the animation
Animated sprite has a ClipFps property which can be used to change the fps while the clip is playing
tk2dCamera far clip plane fixed
Added kea's fix (kept same version number, as it hasn't been released on asset store yet, and only a limited number of people have downloaded so far)

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.80 + patch 1
« on: October 22, 2012, 02:43:03 pm »
Some bugfixes

Features and changelist. Changes in this update in italics.
Unity 3.5 and above only
Renamed collider types (ForceNone instead of None, UserDefined instead of Unset). Makes a lot more sense.
All mesh leaks plugged, hopefully.
Sprite collection settings page tidied up, added a lot more texture options.
Massive memory saving with large animations (there was a constant overhead, which is now fixed).
New tk2dSystem feature, manages platforms and resources.
Sprite collection can be made loadable - this uses the tk2dSystem resource loading feature, and doesn't need files moved to different locations. The sprite collection can also be loaded by GUID at runtime.
Sprite collections are sorted by name in inspector
Internal data upgrade, slowly moving away from legacy cruft (hopefully still backwards compatible). A message is printed out when sprite collections are upgraded.
Animated sprite bugfix, calling play from an event works.
Runtime sprite collection stuff integrated, use tk2dSprite.CreateFromTexture or tk2dSpriteCollectionData.CreateFromTexture
Switch platfroms in editor in the preferences page. Sprite collections and fonts which have platform data will switch when this is changed.
Sprite collections don't use mipmaps by default.
And loads more small fixes
Unity 4 fixes. Should now work properly with no warnings.
Auto build fixed, and also work for sprite collections with platform specific data. Only the affected sprite collection is rebuilt.
Formatted text implementation, now as it should be. This isn't 100% compatible with the previous version if text is entered in the interface, line breaks may be incorrect, but should be 100% compatible if updated using code.
Fonts in sprite collections try to pick up texture name from bmfont file
Font builder works correctly without requiring renamed textures - it automatically picks up the correct file from the bmfont
Materials are shared properly between sprite collections and fonts, batching should work as expected.
Platform data requirement code should be a lot more stable under weird conditions imposed by Unitys unpredictable script execution order
Fonts switch correctly when changing platform
Material overrides work, but need to be set up in the interface (i.e. new ones will work with platforms)
Fonts in sprite collections can be set up to use overriden materials
Support for gradients for fonts in sprite collection - needs a bit of manual set-up, but works
Rebuilding index will rebuild the tk2dSystem object - none of the resources should be checked in to version control
OrthoSize/texelSize set up properly for text meshes
Tilemaps work, but inefficient when switching platforms - it is vastly more efficient for now to switch platform in editor, load original scene and save scene as @2x, etc, and load the appropriate scene at runtime. Simply loading and saving in editor is sufficient.
Custom sprite geometry & custom colliders work properly.
Platforms are limited to 1x, 2x and 4x for now. More extensive customization will be available in the next release.
tk2dIndex.cs works better when upgrading from an old version
Animation editor bug, wasn't working correctly with sprite collections with platform data
Fixed tk2dSlicedSprite not working when in a prefab
tk2dBaseSprite.GetCurrentSpriteDef wasn't initializing the sprite collection instance correctly

Support / 2D Toolkit 2.0 Backwards Compatibilty
« on: October 20, 2012, 06:31:55 pm »
The current plan is to introduce 1.9, fully backwards compatible, with a new animation editor.

The next major update will hopefully be 2.0, and there are more than a few backwards incompatible changes planned or at least thought off.
So far 2D Toolkit has largely been fully backwards compatible for over a year, but I'm thinking of breaking compatibility for 2.0 (Don't worry it'll still be a free upgrade).
This will allow me to strip out the parts in the front end that I'm not happy with (and there's quite a bit of that, eg. collider handling, etc.) and making things a whole lot leaner and vastly more efficient in the process, and also speed up development a whole load, as keeping backwards compatibility so far has been taking up more time than developing a new feature.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.80 final
« on: October 16, 2012, 01:14:44 am »
This is a final release of the long elusive 1.80. It is by far the largest update to date. While this is a final release and has been extensively tested, I strongly recommend backing up before installing due to the large changes in the codebase. Don't forget to run "Setup for Javascript" after installing if you use JavaScript.

Features and changelist. Changes in this update in italics.
Unity 3.5 and above only
Renamed collider types (ForceNone instead of None, UserDefined instead of Unset). Makes a lot more sense.
All mesh leaks plugged, hopefully.
Sprite collection settings page tidied up, added a lot more texture options.
Massive memory saving with large animations (there was a constant overhead, which is now fixed).
New tk2dSystem feature, manages platforms and resources.
Sprite collection can be made loadable - this uses the tk2dSystem resource loading feature, and doesn't need files moved to different locations. The sprite collection can also be loaded by GUID at runtime.
Sprite collections are sorted by name in inspector
Internal data upgrade, slowly moving away from legacy cruft (hopefully still backwards compatible). A message is printed out when sprite collections are upgraded.
Animated sprite bugfix, calling play from an event works.
Runtime sprite collection stuff integrated, use tk2dSprite.CreateFromTexture or tk2dSpriteCollectionData.CreateFromTexture
Switch platfroms in editor in the preferences page. Sprite collections and fonts which have platform data will switch when this is changed.
Sprite collections don't use mipmaps by default.
And loads more small fixes
Unity 4 fixes. Should now work properly with no warnings.
Auto build fixed, and also work for sprite collections with platform specific data. Only the affected sprite collection is rebuilt.
Formatted text implementation, now as it should be. This isn't 100% compatible with the previous version if text is entered in the interface, line breaks may be incorrect, but should be 100% compatible if updated using code.
Fonts in sprite collections try to pick up texture name from bmfont file
Font builder works correctly without requiring renamed textures - it automatically picks up the correct file from the bmfont
Materials are shared properly between sprite collections and fonts, batching should work as expected.
Platform data requirement code should be a lot more stable under weird conditions imposed by Unitys unpredictable script execution order
Fonts switch correctly when changing platform
Material overrides work, but need to be set up in the interface (i.e. new ones will work with platforms)
Fonts in sprite collections can be set up to use overriden materials
Support for gradients for fonts in sprite collection - needs a bit of manual set-up, but works
Rebuilding index will rebuild the tk2dSystem object - none of the resources should be checked in to version control
OrthoSize/texelSize set up properly for text meshes
Tilemaps work, but inefficient when switching platforms - it is vastly more efficient for now to switch platform in editor, load original scene and save scene as @2x, etc, and load the appropriate scene at runtime. Simply loading and saving in editor is sufficient.
Custom sprite geometry & custom colliders work properly.
Platforms are limited to 1x, 2x and 4x for now. More extensive customization will be available in the next release.
Minor bugfixes

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.80 beta 1
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:57:51 pm »

It is safe to base your project around this. Any further changes will be backwards compatible.

Features and changelist Changes in this update in italics
Unity 3.5 and above only
Renamed collider types (ForceNone instead of None, UserDefined instead of Unset). Makes a lot more sense.
All mesh leaks plugged, hopefully.
Sprite collection settings page tidied up, added a lot more texture options.
Massive memory saving with large animations (there was a constant overhead, which is now fixed).
New tk2dSystem feature, manages platforms and resources.
Sprite collection can be made loadable - this uses the tk2dSystem resource loading feature, and doesn't need files moved to different locations. The sprite collection can also be loaded by GUID at runtime.
Sprite collections are sorted by name in inspector
Internal data upgrade, slowly moving away from legacy cruft (hopefully still backwards compatible). A message is printed out when sprite collections are upgraded.
Animated sprite bugfix, calling play from an event works.
Runtime sprite collection stuff integrated, use tk2dSprite.CreateFromTexture or tk2dSpriteCollectionData.CreateFromTexture
Switch platfroms in editor in the preferences page. Sprite collections and fonts which have platform data will switch when this is changed.
Sprite collections don't use mipmaps by default.
And loads more small fixes
Unity 4 fixes. Should now work properly with no warnings.
Auto build fixed, and also work for sprite collections with platform specific data. Only the affected sprite collection is rebuilt.
Formatted text implementation, now as it should be. This isn't 100% compatible with the previous version if text is entered in the interface, line breaks may be incorrect, but should be 100% compatible if updated using code.
Fonts in sprite collections try to pick up texture name from bmfont file
Font builder works correctly without requiring renamed textures - it automatically picks up the correct file from the bmfont
Materials are shared properly between sprite collections and fonts, batching should work as expected.
Platform data requirement code should be a lot more stable under weird conditions imposed by Unitys unpredictable script execution order
Fonts switch correctly when changing platform
Material overrides work, but need to be set up in the interface (i.e. new ones will work with platforms)
Fonts in sprite collections can be set up to use overriden materials
Support for gradients for fonts in sprite collection - needs a bit of manual set-up, but works
Rebuilding index will rebuild the tk2dSystem object - none of the resources should be checked in to version control
OrthoSize/texelSize set up properly for text meshes
Tilemaps work, but inefficient when switching platforms - it is vastly more efficient for now to switch platform in editor, load original scene and save scene as @2x, etc, and load the appropriate scene at runtime. Simply loading and saving in editor is sufficient.
Custom sprite geometry & custom colliders work properly.

Limits, bugs and incomplete features
Platforms are limited to 1x and 2x for now. This can be fully customised, but no interface exists right now.

Thanks for the bugreports and help so far folks! The rest of 1.80 will just be bugfixing, documentation and catching all those combinations which haven't been tested.
I'll be starting a new branch (1.81) to merge in all other features.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.80 Alpha 7
« on: October 04, 2012, 12:27:50 am »

Refer to this page on how to install and test this:

Please don't base your project off this - a few variable names are still due to change, and will undoubtedly break your project.

Features and changelist Changes in this update in italics
Unity 3.5 and above only
Renamed collider types (ForceNone instead of None, UserDefined instead of Unset). Makes a lot more sense.
All mesh leaks plugged, hopefully.
Sprite collection settings page tidied up, added a lot more texture options.
Massive memory saving with large animations (there was a constant overhead, which is now fixed).
New tk2dSystem feature, manages platforms and resources.
Sprite collection can be made loadable - this uses the tk2dSystem resource loading feature, and doesn't need files moved to different locations. The sprite collection can also be loaded by GUID at runtime.
Sprite collections are sorted by name in inspector
Internal data upgrade, slowly moving away from legacy cruft (hopefully still backwards compatible). A message is printed out when sprite collections are upgraded.
Animated sprite bugfix, calling play from an event works.
Runtime sprite collection stuff integrated, use tk2dSprite.CreateFromTexture or tk2dSpriteCollectionData.CreateFromTexture
Switch platfroms in editor in the preferences page. Sprite collections and fonts which have platform data will switch when this is changed.
Sprite collections don't use mipmaps by default.
And loads more small fixes
Unity 4 fixes. Should now work properly with no warnings.
Auto build fixed, and also work for sprite collections with platform specific data. Only the affected sprite collection is rebuilt.
Formatted text implementation, now as it should be. This isn't 100% compatible with the previous version if text is entered in the interface, line breaks may be incorrect, but should be 100% compatible if updated using code.
Fonts in sprite collections try to pick up texture name from bmfont file
Font builder works correctly without requiring renamed textures - it automatically picks up the correct file from the bmfont
Materials are shared properly between sprite collections and fonts, batching should work as expected.
Platform data requirement code should be a lot more stable under weird conditions imposed by Unitys unpredictable script execution order

Limits, bugs and incomplete features
Platforms are limited to 1x and 2x for now. This can be fully customised, but no interface exists right now.
Can't override textures / fonts on other platforms. Is this necessary?
Tilemaps won't work properly with platform specific sprite collections.
Material overrides won't work with platform specific sprite collections.
tk2dSystem.CurrentPlatform needs to be set at runtime before loading anything in

Thanks for all the bug reports so far. Hopefully, I've caught the last stability issues with the core code, and I will be able to transition to beta soon. I'm going to limit the number of further changes going in for 1.80 - I can add them in to 1.81.

Again, the main thing here is to make sure existing projects continue to work properly, and I will be sorting these out as a matter of priority. Thanks for your help!

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.80 Alpha 3
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:36:15 am »

The oft delayed, ever elusive 1.80 now does what it needs to, and we need YOUR help to test and help minimise the amount of broken features before general release. As the big red sign says, treat this as alpha quality, and please don't install this over your project without backing up. Not all branches are merged in at this point, so don't be disappointed if a feature I promised isn't in (feel free to remind me, though, in case I've forgotten).

A significant amount of code has changed, and we need to make sure everything works.

How to help test
1. Backup your project
1. Import unity package
2. Use as normal, and please report any broken features. You are very likely to find broken features. I've found at least one broken feature in every one of our projects.

Please don't base your project off this - a few variable names are still due to change, and will undoubtedly break your project.

Features and changelist
Unity 3.5 and above only
Renamed collider types (ForceNone instead of None, UserDefined instead of Unset). Makes a lot more sense.
All mesh leaks plugged, hopefully.
Sprite collection settings page tidied up, added a lot more texture options.
Massive memory saving with large animations (there was a constant overhead, which is now fixed).
New tk2dSystem feature, manages platforms and resources.
Sprite collection can be made loadable - this uses the tk2dSystem resource loading feature, and doesn't need files moved to different locations. The sprite collection can also be loaded by GUID at runtime.
Sprite collections are sorted by name in inspector
Internal data upgrade, slowly moving away from legacy cruft (hopefully still backwards compatible). A message is printed out when sprite collections are upgraded.
Animated sprite bugfix, calling play from an event works.
Runtime sprite collection stuff integrated, use tk2dSprite.CreateFromTexture or tk2dSpriteCollectionData.CreateFromTexture
Switch platfroms in editor in the preferences page. Sprite collections and fonts which have platform data will switch when this is changed.
Sprite collections don't use mipmaps by default.
And loads more small fixes

Limits, bugs and incomplete features
Platforms are limited to 1x and 2x for now. This can be fully customised, but no interface exists right now.
Can't override textures / fonts on other platforms. Is this necessary?
Tilemaps won't work properly with platform specific sprite collections.
Material overrides won't work with platform specific sprite collections.
Auto atlas building is broken (but will be fixed in the next alpha. This broke very recently so I just need to work out what change broke it)
tk2dSystem.CurrentPlatform needs to be set at runtime before loading anything in

How to create platform specific sprite collections
1. Create your sprite collection as usual. It is usually best to start off with SD textures, as if you start off with HD textures and your texture has an odd number of pixels, the SD sprite won't be aligned correctly, esp when center aligned.
2. Open settings page in sprite collection editor.
3. Click on "Add platform support". This will create the system object and the directory structure necessary. You will only need to do this once ever. This creates a Resources/tk2d directory and Resources/tk2d/tk2dSystem. This should be checked in to version control.
4. Set the "Current platform" of the sprite collection you're working on.
5. Click on "Add new platform" and select the other platform on there.
6. Commit (and wait a little bit longer than usual).

That's it.
The system will look for alternate textures and fonts by using the rules below:
1. @platform appended to filename. Eg. bighappysprite1.png -> bighappysprite1@2x.png. It will also match bighappysprite1@1x.png -> bighappysprite1@2x.png.
2. A subdirectory called platform. bighappysprite1.png -> 2x/bighappysprite1.png
3. @platform in subdirectory. bighappysprite1.png -> 2x/bighappysprite1@2x.png
The system will also cope with different extensions, but preference is given to the same extension if multiple files are found.

The main thing here is to make sure existing projects continue to work properly, and I will be sorting these out as a matter of priority. Thanks for your help!

FAQs / Do you get blurry / lower quality sprites when built to device?
« on: September 04, 2012, 04:55:50 pm »
Check the following to make sure Unity isn't reducing quality of textures.

1. Check quality settings (Edit > Project Settings > Quality). Look for the default quality setting for your platform (highlighted in green), and make sure Texture Quality is set to Full Res on that Level. If it is set to Half Res, your sprites will appear blurry when running on device. Check attached image.

2. If that hasn't fixed it, check the texture. First select the atlas texture which has degraded in game quality, and look at Max Size - is it set to a larger number than the actual image? You can check the image size in an image editor by double clicking on it. Also make sure there aren't any overrides set up for your particular platform.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.76 final + patch 3
« on: August 29, 2012, 08:53:25 pm »

Shader performance bugfix.
tk2dCameraAnchor fix merged. Occasionally caused issues with cached _transform.

Releases / 2D Toolkit 1.76 final + patch 2
« on: August 27, 2012, 12:16:50 am »

Shader performance bugfix.

Support / Away at Unite
« on: August 21, 2012, 12:24:39 am »
Hi folks,

I will be away at Unite 2012 from Tuesday returning on Saturday. That means support is likely to be a bit slower than usual. Your patience is highly appreciated.

Dinesh Kumar
Unikron Software Ltd

p.s. Come say hi if you're at Unite!

Support / Poll 1 - Experience level
« on: August 05, 2012, 01:28:20 am »
In order to cater better to users - I would like to find out the experience level when you started using 2D Toolkit. This will really help in creating targeted tutorials, and let me concentrate on improving workflow for the appropriate target. Please vote and help make 2D Toolkit better :)

If you have any further comments/suggestions please post below.

Support / Unite 2012
« on: August 05, 2012, 01:17:16 am »
Anyone going? I for one will be there.

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