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Topics - Supagoat

Pages: [1]
Support / Unity 4.6 tk2d 2.5 - IsMatrixValid error
« on: November 30, 2014, 03:52:52 pm »
I see this error in the console when I start up unity 4.6.  I can clear it away and it doesn't stop me from running my game and it doesn't appear to come back.

This is on a project that was originally created back in Unity 3.5 and updated, and likewise started with tk2d 1.x and upgraded.  I just created a new project in Unity 4.6 and included tk2d and it's not showing that error.

IsMatrixValid (matrix)
tk2dCamera:UpdateCameraMatrix() (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Camera/tk2dCamera.cs:801)
tk2dCamera:OnEnable() (at Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Camera/tk2dCamera.cs:275)

Support / Tips for moving to Unity 4.3?
« on: April 20, 2014, 04:08:36 pm »
I've been working on my game for over a year now (though I just took a couple month break) and now I'm getting back into it.  I decided since I'm not deep into anything now that I should bite the bullet and upgrade from 3.5.7 to 4.3 and also update 2dtk to 2.4.  Everything actually seems to have gone super smoothly, so I'm pretty thrilled.

Mostly I want to know what people have learned about converted projects like this.  For example, my project is considered 3D by unity.  From what I've read the conversion should be pretty simple, especially because I wrote my own 2d collision system so I'm not using any unity physics, rigidbodies, etc.

What's the best approach for sprites?  Do unity and 2dtk sprites interact/exist on the same object or do I just create everything as a 2dtk sprite as I have always done?


Support / ScreenToWorldPoint gives far off results
« on: July 12, 2012, 05:37:02 am »
I'm brand new (just bought tonight) to 2D Toolkit, and have only been using Unity for a week or so.  I'm still trying things out to see how they work.  I previously had a scene with cube prefabs with textures applied to them that I used a script to instantiate and put in the scene.  (Think procedurally created tile-based map)

I've switched to using 2D Toolkit sprites and have removed the old camera and put in a tk2dCamera.  Now when the script creates the map tiles they're too high by about 20 pixels (and maybe too far to the left too, haven't paid attention to that yet).

I tried using ScreenToWorldPoint as is suggested in the FAQ, but when I do they get positioned at around -900, -700 (and they aren't visible on screen) when I want them at 0,0 screen coordinates. 

Any ideas?


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