2D Toolkit > Releases

2D Toolkit 2.5.6

(1/2) > >>

Please read the migration guide before updating. 2D Toolkit 2.x is not API compatible with 1.x.

Documentation available at:

Be sure to run "Setup for JavaScript" after importing if you're using JavaScript/UnityScript or Boo.

What's new

* Support for flat colors instead of interpolated colors in a tilemap
* Generate normalized UVs - used in tilemap to simplify creating procedurally / shader animated tiles
* Official support for Unity Windows Mobile and Windows Store in Unity 5
* Linked sprite collections - allows creating parallel atlases for normal maps, etc. that match the layout of the base atlas. Docs here
* Basic post build sprite collection callback, tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.OnPostBuildSpriteCollection to be notified when a sprite collection is built.
* Updated to work with Unity 4.6 and 5.0 (Hierarchy "Create" menu moved into "2D Objects")
* Exported with Unity 4.6.8f1. Previous Unity versions are not officially supported but all 4.x should work, we will fix issues if they arise. 3.x versions are no longer supported.
Bug fixes and improvements

* Fixed critical issue introduced in 2.5.5
* Fixed compile issue in Unity 4.7
* Added workaround for difference in UnityEditor.SetDirty behaviour in Unity 5.3
* Fixed menu not appearing in correct location in Unity 5.1
* Input field masks properly on Android
* Clear dictionary when sprite collection is rebuilt
* tk2dUILayoutContainer editor bug
* Fixed LoadAssetAtPath so it doesn't complain in Unity 5
* Fixed tilemap bug introduced in 2.5.2
* Unity 5 sprite disappearing bug fixed
* Fixed bug with tk2dUITextInput when with platform specific fonts.
* Dont complain about null fonts that dont need material instances.
* tk2dTextMesh can now be resized in the viewport when word wrap is enabled.
* MarkDynamic on dynamic meshes
* Fixed allocation in tk2dSpriteAttachPoint
* Unity free skin bugfix
* Confirmation before Setup for JS
* Scrollablearea divide by zero
* iOS workaround for Unity bug (keyboard.text behaves differently on iOS than all other platforms)
* Fixed a null reference error going from lit to unlit materials
* Fixed DX11 1/2 texel offset tk2dCamera bug
* Menu option to rebuild all sprites (when they disappear) until there is a better solution
* sprite collection editor, added scrollbar to attach point list
* Added iPhone6 and 6+ resolutions to tk2dCamera


How can i download it?
If I download it from asset store,whether i need pay full money or not.A older user.

Hi, its only for sale on the asset store.

I'm getting a warning in Unity 5.3.1 (EDIT: 5.3.2f1 as well) and 2D Toolkit 2.5.6.

DontDestroyOnLoad only work for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.

Double clicking the warning sends me here:

--- Code: ---public static tk2dSystem inst
if (_inst == null)
// Attempt to load the global instance and create one if it doesn't exist
_inst = Resources.Load(assetName, typeof(tk2dSystem)) as tk2dSystem;
if (_inst == null)
_inst = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<tk2dSystem>();
// We don't want to destroy this throughout the lifetime of the game
DontDestroyOnLoad(_inst); //<--- This generates the warning!
return _inst;

--- End code ---

Line 52 of tk2dSystem.cs


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